My Gator Gar

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Apr 19, 2013
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Just bought a gator gar bout 5inch atm soon as I put him in tank he ripped my fighter fish to shreds is this coz the fish is smaller ? Also I have to black sharks who r about 9 inch atm doesn't even go near them what can I feed it ?
What size is your tank?.... sounds pretty nasty.

Found them fish flakes?
7 ft tank I have coz he's only a bby what can I feed him ? He only attacked coz my other fish nipped his fin
Live fish. Amything that is smaller than him he should eat him.
If you get a guppy colony established and breeding you can just feed him those.
Cheers mate atm he's just floatin up n down flarin his gills look weird tho lol
Good to know I helped. I would love to see pics of your gar if youre offering. If it was me I'd only feed him once every 3-4 days cos a betta sized fish should fill a 5 inch fish up quite a bit.
Davieboys said:
7 ft tank I have coz he's only a bby what can I feed him ? He only attacked coz my other fish nipped his fin
No, he only attacked because he's a vicious little killer. He will grow to be a vicious big killer. When I say "big", I mean that in the right environment, he would  grow to be about 2m long. In your tank, he won't he will become stunted and will suffer. He may not have attacked your sharks yet, but it's only a matter of time.
I strongly suggest that you take him back while you still can.
He is going to put him a massive pond when he grows big enough I think.
I have a 16ft pond where he will go I have angel fish an he doesn't bother with them I've even stroked him in the water an held him an it doesn't faze him ill try get a pic for u mate
Massive ponds won't work, unless by pond you mean river or lake. I live in Mississippi, which is home to the largest alligator gars. They are mean. They are ugly. They are vital for our Eco-system. They also regularly get to six feet here. They also like to be with other gars. They hunt together in packs sometimes, like some species of sharks. Take the gar back and kindly stop shopping where you do. Shops which sell fish too large for the private aquarium have no business selling fish. There are just some fish which were not meant to be removed from the wild.

16 foot pond is not big enough. These are riverbed dwellers. They travel a lot.

16 foot!?!
I thought you meant more of a lake than a pond. The poor gar will barely be able to swim more than 10 feet before having to turn around. I'd think you'd need about 20 times that size or more!

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