My Future Tank :)


Fish Herder
Nov 6, 2012
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Thank you, looking forward to seeing your new set up - has the tank arrived yet? Ha ha um hope it was you! :/
Do you drink wine? I can't stand the stuff.
Still waiting on the tank :( The courier was supposed to get in touch with me today but failed to.
Do you drink wine? I can't stand the stuff. - ha ha, errr no actually. Yes I see how this could make me look like an alcoholic so let me just clear that one up! :)
It's the amount of litres I can manage, bigger than my 180 to be worth it, but not too big to be a pain on water changes (as in RO buffer mixing expense) oh if nay I could use my damn tap water!
Maybe they will do a different bottom for me, will have to look into that.

Oh how frustrating brilly! I bet you can't wait to get it all set up!
Why buy the one with the wine rack if you don't drink wine? XD
It appears to only have that bottom on the tank size I want - so ill look into whether they can chop and change the stands.
I had a sip of port for the first time in three years last weekend and had to leave the other half a glass until the evening to finish! Oh well, it'll be a cheap night when I do eventually get out again :D
Do you definitely want a real wood tank/stand? If so that's a pretty decent price but if your happy with a laminated chipboard tank (similar to the majority of tanks out there on the market) you can pick one up for around £600
I would love that tank. Mixes my two passions, fishkeeping and wine drinking! Wouldnt want to keep anything that could get heat damaged there though! Can't wait to see it in action.
Shelster said:
It appears to only have that bottom on the tank size I want - so ill look into whether they can chop and change the stands.
I had a sip of port for the first time in three years last weekend and had to leave the other half a glass until the evening to finish! Oh well, it'll be a cheap night when I do eventually get out again
I'd also shop around if I were you. I've seen plenty of tanks that size with a similar finish but without the wine rack. In fact my local MA do different varieties in store. Have you checked? They have plenty that aren't on their website.
Lunar Jetman said:
It appears to only have that bottom on the tank size I want - so ill look into whether they can chop and change the stands.
I had a sip of port for the first time in three years last weekend and had to leave the other half a glass until the evening to finish! Oh well, it'll be a cheap night when I do eventually get out again
I'd also shop around if I were you. I've seen plenty of tanks that size with a similar finish but without the wine rack. In fact my local MA do different varieties in store. Have you checked? They have plenty that aren't on their website.
+1 i'd shop around too! Although it looks great quality and the 'real' wood is always nice it seems quite expensive for a 5x2 tank. My bro just got a 5x2 with stand and hood all new custom built for £350. And my next tank which is going to be nearly double that size wont even cost as much the tank you are planning to purchase. Dont get me wrong, these tanks are nice, one of my locals has that exact tank on display but i just couldnt justify the price considering what you could get for that sort of money. I could send you the contact details of my tank guy if you are still open to other suggestions, he has a glass workshop and his friend has a wood work shop next door so can do tanks and stands of any size or style at unbelievably low prices. My 120gallon was made by him and i still cant figure out how he did it so cheap, £90 for the glass tank and £60 for the wood stand and hood (laminate stuff) so £150 for the lot. He's priced me up a 450gallon with stand n hood for under £500 but i want to go bigger!
Aether.ed I would be very interested, thank you.

It won't be until the latter end of next year, as we do need a bigger living space first for ourselves, but once that is achieved, new tank is on my list first! :D
Shelster said:
It won't be until the latter end of next year, as we do need a bigger living space first for ourselves, but once that is achieved, new tank is on my list first!
Plenty of time to find the right tank and the right price then!
Shelster said:
Aether.ed I would be very interested, thank you.
It won't be until the latter end of next year, as we do need a bigger living space first for ourselves, but once that is achieved, new tank is on my list first! :D
Extended the house to fit in a bigger fish tank XD LOVE IT LOL

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