My Fishy Journal


Fish Fanatic
Jun 16, 2014
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I have been thinking about starting up a fish journal, to share my fish and all my weird but wonderful experiences with them and I have finally decided to go for it. Hopefully it won't be a total fail haha
So I had a gold fish when I was about 6, my sister also had one, they were never in bowls but the tank was no bigger than 15 litres. They both lived until they were about 4, looking back I know realize that it was cruel. When my little sister who was 8 was struggling to sleep at night a friend suggested to my mum about maybe getting some fish in her room with a relaxing light and it would give her something to watch. My mum thought that sounded good aswell, so she said I too could get some. I am not someone who can do something without doing some research be for hand, so I set about finding out as much as I could about fish. I spent the next 3 days researching tropical fish, tank sizes, fish breeds, fish less cycle etc. and decided a tank of at least 25 litres would be best.
I had a new found love for peppered cat fish and really wanted one. So we went to the local fish shop to buy some tanks. They had an offer on 40 litre tanks with a stand, light in the lid and gravel for £55.99 so we went for that deal. We bought some ornaments, I bought a little bridge and two plastic log ornaments, as i had researched that catfish like somewhere to hide, I chose purple gravel. My sister bought a treasure chest and a finding nemo ornaments to go with her rainbow gravel. We both got two live plants as well. We then went on to look at the fish, I saw the catfish wish just made me fall in love even more, we spoke to the fish shop manager and we advised me to get a pair as they will be happier and most likely won't breed and if they do the eggs will most likely get eaten anyway. They were in a tank with german blue rams so I went home and researched them. My sister fell in love with neon tetras so we researched them too.
We started the fish less cycles and a week later went to get the fish. I got my two catfish, both female, a little male blue ram and the fish shop manager talked me into getting a little orange male dwarf gourami, which I am glad that he did. Sadly they all died except one catfish, due to the perfume I think. We took the water down and it was tested, nothing was in it so we did 50% water changes all week and luckily he pulled through. My sister chose 4 neon tetras, one female black skirt tetra, one white mountain minnow and two female harlequin rasboras. All of hers were doing fine. I waited 2 weeks and then went to restock, decided to get five male guppies and two male platies all are doing great and Miss Whiskers my catfish is doing better than she ever has before so don't want to risk getting more and adding them in as they could fight or carry disease etc. 
Anyway, my current gang are Leo, Lenny, Benny, Finley and Azurro (Azurro is my little dark blue guppy who had a broken back when i bought him, its now fixed but he looks a bit funny haha) Storm and Blaze (my platies) and Miss Whiskers (the peppered catfish)
I will keep you updated :)


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I might be wrong, but I think your tank is a bit (lack of words, here, sorry) strange....
Your peppered catfish may die of loneliness. They need to be in a 5+ group. EDIT: You said Miss Whiskers was to be moved in with others, right?
 Are your sisters 4 neon tetras, one female black skirt tetra, one white mountain minnow and two female harlequin rasboras still alive, or in the tank?
If so, the WMM is a schooling coldwater fish, and he needs a school of 5 more to go with him. His temp range is 45F-70F, which is too cold for your fish.
The neons need a school of 6+, the Black Skirt needs a school of 6+, and the rasboras need a school of 6+.
Anyway, my current gang are Leo, Lenny, Benny, Finley and Azurro (Azurro is my little dark blue guppy who had a broken back when i bought him, its now fixed but he looks a bit funny haha) Storm and Blaze (my platies) and Miss Whiskers (the peppered catfish)
^^^^^^ This sounds okay other than the catfish problem.
Sorry to be such a wet sandwich!
My sisters are all alive aswell as her two new dalmation mollies, after more research I questioned my sisters set up with the lfs manager but he has assured us that it will work and that all fish will be happy so we are still trying but all fish are under warranty for a year so any problems then they can go back. Miss Whiskers was living with my sisters catfish but sadly two of her catfish were attacking mine for no apparent reason so he is in my current tank with my livebearers but I am going to short something out with her :) its fine, I know the set ups are a bit weird but they work :)
Glad to hear about Miss Whiskers.

Reallyreallyreallyreally sorry to say this, but your sis's setup won't work. Managers and workers at LFS will tell you anything. I overheard a worker telling a couple they could keep 2 young neons in a tiny tank, when their own neon profile says 5+. If it means money, they'll sugarcoat it. Trust me.
BTW, how big is your sister's tank?
I know what they are like but I think when I next go down to the lfs I will confront him and ask him if its right to be keeping them alone etc. I will try to get it sorted as I only want to do whats right for the fish :) Her tank is 55 litres, she got the bigger one, she had saved up more than me, my horses uses most of my money haha L)
Thank you :) The smaller one is a calico :) The larger one was just sold as a 'standard male platy' but I think he might be a mickey mouse platy :) 
nofishinginmytank said:
Thank you
The smaller one is a calico
The larger one was just sold as a 'standard male platy' but I think he might be a mickey mouse platy
I'd have to agree, with lyraguppi on everything.

If I was your sis I would rehome the WMM they are cold water and need a larger tank and 5+ in the school.

The neons need a 5+ school.

The Cory needs a 5+ school. They also need a 20 gallon long minimum.

The rasboras need a 5+ school.

Are all your livebears one gender? I would rehome these or only keep about two male guppies if you do them with the rasboras.

Now obviously pertaining to all their needs would make your tank over stocked. Do I would suggest rehome get everyone and only keep about 8-10 rasboras and then for the bottom get some snails or shrimp.

I know first hand as well, pet stores are dreadful for information they will tell you what they THINK they know about fish keeping, the fish "experts" only usually know that fish live in water. I've had conversations with many fish store workers and I schooled them on proper husbandry. That's just my two cents on the matter :D lovely tank but I'm afraid it won't work much longer, even if they look happy surviving isn't thriving. Hope I wasn't too blunt but the fish need a little help here.
Just to clarify in my tank I have 5 male guppies and two male platies as well as my catfish who I am planning to re-home anyway. I know that you guys are right but my sisters tank isn't really my buisness, but thank you anyway :)
More photos taken tonight :) Love my little fishies 


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It seems as though your her older sibling right and she looks up to you? Idk I feel like it would be worth convincing your sister that the fish would be happier in an ideal enviornment.
LyraGuppi said:
Glad to hear about Miss Whiskers.

Reallyreallyreallyreally sorry to say this, but your sis's setup won't work. Managers and workers at LFS will tell you anything. I overheard a worker telling a couple they could keep 2 young neons in a tiny tank, when their own neon profile says 5+. If it means money, they'll sugarcoat it. Trust me.
BTW, how big is your sister's tank?
so true shopkeepers told me that BGKs like company of other BGKs and are peacefull fish and yes, i got them but since their still young i can figure somethin out in a few months

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