My First Attempt At The Salty Side! 55Cm Cube

Bleeding 'eck! Aquascaping is tough!
I have ended up just making a pile of rock with loads of gaps and tunnels (unfortunately not good for viewing though.)

Pics soon when water settles a bit.
Not really, just letting the tank settle in at the moment. Woke up this morning though and the sand was turning brown in places, so I am going to be more aggressive with the RowaPhos.

All my stats are good, apart from Phosphate which I think is around 0.5 (yep, too high) but I am finding the Phosphate really hard to accurately measure as the colours just don't seem to match up with the card.
nice post things are looking good and lookin forward to more pics i started my nano a few weeks ago that i bought from someone else and this is my first marine will be keepin a eye on this feel free to take a look at my topic if u get time


Green Mandarin

IMG_1529 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr


IMG_1527 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr

Peppermint Shrimp

IMG_1542 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr

Mushroom, bubbles and Zoas

IMG_1534 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr

The whole tank

IMG_1533 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr

Bubble again...

IMG_1521 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr

Another mushroom, and some corals that are usually very shy

IMG_1519 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr

Some trumpet things...

IMG_1511 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr

And finally some torch coral that one of my hermits will not leave alone...

IMG_1520 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr

Found a lovely piece of live rock today to round out my tank nicely. A nice piece of tongan.

IMG_1547 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr

Also got some new friends.

IMG_1544 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr

And a Sally Lightfoot, which unfottunately is hard to get a nice pic of.

Heres everything from another angle...
IMG_1543 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr
And my lovely feather duster...

IMG_1548 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr
Looks great
While at the LFS today buying water I saw the following coral and just had to buy, never seen anything like it!

IMG_1555 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr

Had a long chat about future corals i can get and we discussed how the tank is not really ready for hard corals for ages, however as everything seems to be going so well I can try a small frag and see how it goes, they cut a quick piece off one of the large store display pieces and said I could have for £5, worst case coral dies, best case it looks awesome.

Anyway, that was also added...

IMG_1559 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr

Also picked up my second koralia 2800, to give me 5600 lph in a 165l tank (33 x turnover) which I will install tomorrow.

Anyway, went for a walk downtown and came back to this which honestly gobsmacked me!

IMG_1560 by Ryan Simmons, on Flickr

The red "peppers" I'd bought have stunning polyps that really look amazing and blew me away.

Anyway, absolutely loving my tank so far. And have to say, having the best specialised (ie marine only) fish shop I have ever been into opening just 2 minute drive down the road is making me a very happy lad.

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