My Bolivian Ram Died

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Jul 9, 2011
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St. Louis
Well, this morning, I woke up to find one of my Bolivian Rams had died. I checked the parameters were 0 ammonia, 0 Nitrite, and 30 nitrate. I did a water change right after. There were no signs of illness, just a random death. :(

RIP Little Ram :(
Oh, I'm sorry for you loss :-( Rams are such characterful little fish, you do get very attached to them :(
It's both sad & frustrating when there's no hint of a cause. It happened to me recently with one of my Keyholes. You do your best for them but sometimes they just go.
Sympathies :(
Thanks everyone. I've been watching all the other fish and everyone else is healthy and active. The part that I don't understand is how I didn't have warning. No clamped fins, he was eating fine, was active yesterday...such a mystery.

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