My Bettas Are Dying.


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2016
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Tank size: 10 gallon. I moved her to a hospital tank which is 1 gallon.
pH: 7.8
ammonia: I don't have an ammonia tester. (I know, I need to get one)
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 2
kH: 80
gH: 150
tank temp: 78F

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): A sort of white film like substance has covered her body. Mostly the head, it's even over the eyes now. I think she's having trouble getting oxygen. She'll like zoom across the surface of the water really fast. I'm not sure how else to explain that part. Yesterday another fish had it with the same symptoms and died a couple hours later. 

Volume and Frequency of water changes: I try to do 25% changes every Saturday, but it parameters are high I'll clean it then. 

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Topfin water conditioner, Melafix, Herbtana for parasitic disease, and Jungle Start Zyme.

Tank inhabitants: There was 4 other Bettas with this one, 3 of which have died. There was also 3 new snails.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Just some Mystery Snails.

Exposure to chemicals: Not besides the ones mentioned above.

Digital photo (include if possible): Image is attached. Sorry it's kind of hard to see. But you might be able to tell her eye is clouded and what looks like skin on her head that's pealing off.
I'm also going to include another fish problem so I don't have to make another post. Hope that's okay.
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Tank size: 3.5 gallon
ammonia: Don't have ammonia test
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 3
kH: 80
gH: 150
tank temp: 78F

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): There are large blotches of what seems to be blood in his fins. When I checked on him this morning it seemed like the skin where the fins come out look quite red. I don't think it's visible on the picture though. His fins are also quite thin looking. They've always been that way though. Oh, he is a marble too.

Volume and Frequency of water changes: I try to do 25% changes every Saturday, but it parameters are high I'll clean it then. So 1-2 times a week.

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Topfin water conditioner, Melafix, Herbtana for parasitic disease, and Jungle Start Zyme. This fish was with the one above so I gave the Herbtana for what I suspected was Velvet and the Melafix was for the blood in his fins.

Tank inhabitants: Two snails. I'll be taking one of them out to another tank.

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Just the Mystery Snails.

Exposure to chemicals: Only the medication listed above.

Digital photo (include if possible): Photo is attached. He's the black and white marble. The red in the fins is VERY dark.
Oh by the way, I know the NO3 is a bit high. I planned on cleaning them today. One's a messy eater...
Thank you in advance. 


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Looks like the first fish has a fungus. I'm no expert, so I won't comment on the 2nd fish without more
information. I do know that Melafix is very toxic to Betta fish. It has an oil base which causes issues
with Labyrinth (air breathing) fish.  I know first hand after medicating my big red following a fungus. He
started swimming sporatically and then just layed on the bottom of the tank, breathing heavily.  I immediately did a complete water change, placing him in a small bowl with fresh conditioned water while I cleaned the tank. He immediately perked up and by evening after being placed back in his freshly cleaned 10 gallon tank was back to normal.  I then did some internet research, unfortunately after the fact, and found several posts stating the toxic effect melafix has on betta fish and gouramis.
You should change the water immediately. Usually good clean water is all a betta needs to clear up a fungus. 
Hope that helps a little and you can save your bettas. 
One more thing,  I believe you are adding too many meds to the tank without knowing exactly what the problem is.
Change the water as soon as possible and only add the water conditioner to make the tap water safe. Leave others
out until you have a better idea of what is ailing them.
Just wanted to check something, how many bettas did you have in the ten gallon to start with? You said you had four other bettas with this one, I'm not an expert on bettas but I would assume four in a 10 gallon is too many and may have caused the stress which makes them more susceptible to the fungus, or they were fighting which brought on the fungus too. Like I said, not an expert but from what I've read never keep more than one betta together unless you are very experienced and trying a sorority

Good luck with it all though

Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
antlea11 said:
Looks like the first fish has a fungus. I'm no expert, so I won't comment on the 2nd fish without more
information. I do know that Melafix is very toxic to Betta fish. It has an oil base which causes issues
with Labyrinth (air breathing) fish.  I know first hand after medicating my big red following a fungus. He
started swimming sporatically and then just layed on the bottom of the tank, breathing heavily.  I immediately did a complete water change, placing him in a small bowl with fresh conditioned water while I cleaned the tank. He immediately perked up and by evening after being placed back in his freshly cleaned 10 gallon tank was back to normal.  I then did some internet research, unfortunately after the fact, and found several posts stating the toxic effect melafix has on betta fish and gouramis.
You should change the water immediately. Usually good clean water is all a betta needs to clear up a fungus. 
Hope that helps a little and you can save your bettas. 
I will not be doing a sorority in the future. Too stressful for me and the fish. It's too bad Melafix is toxic, it seemed to clear up some fin rot quickly. I won't be using it any longer though. Thanks for letting me know. I did clean all my tanks. The other fish that was with them is showing no signs of illness, besides the red in his fins which was there before all this happened. 
antlea11 said:
One more thing,  I believe you are adding too many meds to the tank without knowing exactly what the problem is.
Change the water as soon as possible and only add the water conditioner to make the tap water safe. Leave others
out until you have a better idea of what is ailing them.
I've put the carbon filters back in to take out the medicine. Do you know of a good fungus treatment that I could use instead of the Melafix? For future use if it breaks out again. Thanks.
DeanoL83 said:
Just wanted to check something, how many bettas did you have in the ten gallon to start with? You said you had four other bettas with this one, I'm not an expert on bettas but I would assume four in a 10 gallon is too many and may have caused the stress which makes them more susceptible to the fungus, or they were fighting which brought on the fungus too. Like I said, not an expert but from what I've read never keep more than one betta together unless you are very experienced and trying a sorority

Good luck with it all though

Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
Correct, I did have 4 to start out with. I had a 20g that I was about to switch them to but then they got sick.. I will no longer keep them together. Thanks.

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