Fish Fanatic
Hi All
It has been a very long time since i have been on this site due to the fact my graphics card in my laptop broke and i was too lazy to fix it. I ended up baking the graphics card in the oven.....IT WORKED!!
Anyways i have been a busy boy rescaping my tanks, buying new ones, and moving them around the house so now i have 4! One of which is in my brothers room. Ive been told i am not allowed anymore, but there is always room for 1 more!
The Cherry shrimp Tank
Since i was last on here i had set up a shrimp tank, it was one of those ones from pets at home and although i liked it at first it slowly started annoying me, i didn’t like the lighting, and the way the glassed curved at the corners ect, and the shrimp kept dying!
I eventually went on gumtree and found a fluval tank about 60-80 litres i think! Since rescaping and purchasing a new light bulb the shrimp have been thriving and breeding. I have had a few losses but i am no longer buying shrimps so that makes me happy!

The Hallway Tank
The hallway tank is a new addition. I brought this one on ebay as after buying the fluval tank for the shrimps i decided i wanted another. When bidding i didn’t realise that it was actually bigger than my shrimp tank but i decided to put it to use anyway and is now situated in the hallway as i didn’t really have anywhere else for it go. I decided i wanted some sand substrate in this and i must say it looks rather nice. I have so many ideas but i will just have to do a rescape every now and again! Stocking wise i have 1 golden algae eater, 12 barbs 4 hoplo sternum!

The Main Tank
My last post i believe was when i had put in my moss wall. That unfortunately failed L. Anyways i decided that i would just do another rescape and decided to get rid of the wall and stick to the hairnets on wood! It has paid off with the riccia!. I am not keen on having the riccia in there as it keeps floating off and getting trapped in the moss and its not as neat as i want it to be. But then saying that i like the natural messiness of it
this tank has the co2 injection, steriliser ect in it and 2 canister filters and is looking very green!
My tetras are getting big now and some of my japonica shrimp are huge! Also the shrimps are breeding like crazy so thats a plus. I have a mixture of shrimps, japonica, cherries, green, brown (green and brown i belive to be the same species as the RCS just a different breed. ) not sure if they will be cross breeding?.
This was growth after i was away working for 3 months before the rescape.

The Recent Rescape

The growth in 2 weeks

I am very pleased with my results and especially as cleaning ect is minimal in all 3 tanks which is helpful due to the nature of my work.
I hope you enjoy the pics!!
It has been a very long time since i have been on this site due to the fact my graphics card in my laptop broke and i was too lazy to fix it. I ended up baking the graphics card in the oven.....IT WORKED!!
Anyways i have been a busy boy rescaping my tanks, buying new ones, and moving them around the house so now i have 4! One of which is in my brothers room. Ive been told i am not allowed anymore, but there is always room for 1 more!
The Cherry shrimp Tank
Since i was last on here i had set up a shrimp tank, it was one of those ones from pets at home and although i liked it at first it slowly started annoying me, i didn’t like the lighting, and the way the glassed curved at the corners ect, and the shrimp kept dying!
I eventually went on gumtree and found a fluval tank about 60-80 litres i think! Since rescaping and purchasing a new light bulb the shrimp have been thriving and breeding. I have had a few losses but i am no longer buying shrimps so that makes me happy!

The Hallway Tank
The hallway tank is a new addition. I brought this one on ebay as after buying the fluval tank for the shrimps i decided i wanted another. When bidding i didn’t realise that it was actually bigger than my shrimp tank but i decided to put it to use anyway and is now situated in the hallway as i didn’t really have anywhere else for it go. I decided i wanted some sand substrate in this and i must say it looks rather nice. I have so many ideas but i will just have to do a rescape every now and again! Stocking wise i have 1 golden algae eater, 12 barbs 4 hoplo sternum!

The Main Tank
My last post i believe was when i had put in my moss wall. That unfortunately failed L. Anyways i decided that i would just do another rescape and decided to get rid of the wall and stick to the hairnets on wood! It has paid off with the riccia!. I am not keen on having the riccia in there as it keeps floating off and getting trapped in the moss and its not as neat as i want it to be. But then saying that i like the natural messiness of it

My tetras are getting big now and some of my japonica shrimp are huge! Also the shrimps are breeding like crazy so thats a plus. I have a mixture of shrimps, japonica, cherries, green, brown (green and brown i belive to be the same species as the RCS just a different breed. ) not sure if they will be cross breeding?.
This was growth after i was away working for 3 months before the rescape.

The Recent Rescape

The growth in 2 weeks

I am very pleased with my results and especially as cleaning ect is minimal in all 3 tanks which is helpful due to the nature of my work.
I hope you enjoy the pics!!