Fish Fanatic
Hello all.
I disapeered for a while so thought id let you all see my fishys to show you how they are getting on. Alls going well, my big tank due in 8months or so!
120gal, 2 x fluval 405, fluval u4, 36w light.
Inhabitants: 1 x mbu puffer, 1 x Elephantnose, 1x African brown knifefish, 3 x Spotted bush fish, 1 x african butterfly fish, 6 x featherfin synodontis catfish, 2 x upsidedown catfish, 1 x female kribensis, 25 congo tetras.
Plants: Java fern, Anubias, Vallis.
Heres my african themed aquarium, some huge feisty congo tetras and 6 large syno catfish that somehow remain invisible. Also a baby mbu puffer havin a munch, got an 8-10ft tank planned for him! Id say its a semi aggresive set up, fiesty yet peaceful, a joy to keep!
I disapeered for a while so thought id let you all see my fishys to show you how they are getting on. Alls going well, my big tank due in 8months or so!

120gal, 2 x fluval 405, fluval u4, 36w light.
Inhabitants: 1 x mbu puffer, 1 x Elephantnose, 1x African brown knifefish, 3 x Spotted bush fish, 1 x african butterfly fish, 6 x featherfin synodontis catfish, 2 x upsidedown catfish, 1 x female kribensis, 25 congo tetras.
Plants: Java fern, Anubias, Vallis.
Heres my african themed aquarium, some huge feisty congo tetras and 6 large syno catfish that somehow remain invisible. Also a baby mbu puffer havin a munch, got an 8-10ft tank planned for him! Id say its a semi aggresive set up, fiesty yet peaceful, a joy to keep!