My 60 Litre Tropical Aquarium


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Apr 12, 2014
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Hi guys, I have finally worked out how to put pics in to my posts, so that is what I am doing here now!! Here are just a couple of pictures of my marina style 60 tropical tank, and I will upload videos in the video section eventually (Probably tomorrow) so feel free to check it out. Hope you enjoy and I apologize for the really, really poor quality, it's my 1st time and I don't have a camera:
The 1st pic is my tank a couple of months ago. The 2ns one is my tank now. The 3rd one is my amazon sword and the 4th pic is my pleco on my anubias nana. Thought it was really cute so why not? And the 5th one is a pic just of my anubias nana. Hope you like it guys!!

Ok, the 5th one didn't even come up lol. Probz ran out of space.


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You can post more than 5 pics so not sure why your 5th one didn't show up D:
I really like the cave, it's cute!
I thought I should let you know in case you're not aware that the plec would be better off in a 20g. It also needs driftwood which I -think- I see some in the pic of him but not 100% sure :lol:
What's your stocking? The first pic looks like zebra danios to me and then the others have harlequin rasboras and neon tetras.
These all prefer groups of 6+ and the zebra danios would be better off in a 4ft long tank due to their high activity level.
I'm not trying to be negative I just wanted to make sure you knew. May I ask why you chose to go without substrate? Just curious :)
Ninjouzata said:
You can post more than 5 pics so not sure why your 5th one didn't show up D:
I really like the cave, it's cute!
I thought I should let you know in case you're not aware that the plec would be better off in a 20g. It also needs driftwood which I -think- I see some in the pic of him but not 100% sure

What's your stocking? The first pic looks like zebra danios to me and then the others have harlequin rasboras and neon tetras.
These all prefer groups of 6+ and the zebra danios would be better off in a 4ft long tank due to their high activity level.
I'm not trying to be negative I just wanted to make sure you knew. May I ask why you chose to go without substrate? Just curious
Hi ninjouzata and thanks for the reply!!! Yeah there is some driftwood in there. that's what my anubias and sword is attatched to. And I know the bn pleco needs a 20g. I will be upgrading to either a 20 or a 25 in a couple of months hopefully. I can't get a tank that  big as I don't have enough space. And I know they look like zebra danios but there actually pearl dainios. Here's a link:
And the danios need 4ft, really??? I was told my 15 gal was wide enough by the guy in the shop. These people are complete idiots. And lastly, I went for the bare bottom because I had gravel before, and it was in there for about 3 years so all of the colour was gone. I took it out because it was just off-grey stones and I just haven't put anything in since. I want to put in the plant substrate with sand but I don't know what the best way is to do that. So.... yeah. That's why. Any other "curious" questions??
Oh, and I forgot to tell you the stocking. this is an interesting story let's say. So, 2 weeks before my birthday I go to my uncle's house, and he tells me that he got fish off a friend. Then on my birthday, I wake up, turn on the fish tank light and I see little things swimming around, and they were of course my uncle's fish that he got off a friend!! I don't know why that's relevant but I had to say it anyway lol. Ok, so the fish he gave me were:
3 platies (Only 1 left now, I gave 1 back to him because he said he really liked them, only really small with little colour when I got them the other one jumped out aswell)
5 pearl danios (1 jumped out) R.i.p dude

3 harlequin rasboras- all alive
3 Neon tetras- All alive
3 glowlight tetras- all alive
2 red phantom tetras (The other 3 died when he quarantined them)

And I had a real algae problem after about 6-10 weeks of having the fish, so I bought the bn pleco and all the green algae was gone overnight. I was like how the hell did he do that? It was thick algae, and I mean thick. Like wow.
Sorry for the essay. Got really carried away with memories and flashbacks.

That's a lot of r.i.p's lol.
So glad to hear you'll be upgrading! Keep an eye on secondhand sites as you can get tanks a lot cheaper this way.
Sorry I figured I was off on the danios but was drawing a blank on what they could be..duh!
Very obvious now. HERE's more information on them if you havn't seen it already.
Unfortunately a lot of the LFS employees don't know much and just want to sell you things. Some do care though!

Ooh I see. It looks really clean
I'm not sure on the plant substrate unfortunately! Someone on here should know though.
So sorry for your losses! 

I don't like being negative but I don't think a 20 or 25 is big enough to have proper schools of all those fish, so I'd get a second tank or re-home some of them.
Did you change your lighting period or anything? I bet the plec was chubby after all that
Be sure to give him algae wafers and veggies! No need to apologize, I like hearing about other people's tanks & fish.
Ninjouzata said:
So glad to hear you'll be upgrading! Keep an eye on secondhand sites as you can get tanks a lot cheaper this way.
Sorry I figured I was off on the danios but was drawing a blank on what they could be..duh!
Very obvious now. HERE's more information on them if you havn't seen it already.
Unfortunately a lot of the LFS employees don't know much and just want to sell you things. Some do care though!

Ooh I see. It looks really clean
I'm not sure on the plant substrate unfortunately! Someone on here should know though.
So sorry for your losses! 

I don't like being negative but I don't think a 20 or 25 is big enough to have proper schools of all those fish, so I'd get a second tank or re-home some of them.
Did you change your lighting period or anything? I bet the plec was chubby after all that
Be sure to give him algae wafers and veggies! No need to apologize, I like hearing about other people's tanks & fish.
Yeah I want my next tank off ebay. preferably as big as I can fit. I'm yet to get to a fish store and be given accurate information and my tank better look clean, I do 2-3 water changes a week of about 30% and I clean the bottom twice a week. So, I do clean it really well. And thanks for the r.i.p, I miss them so much.
And how big a tank would I need to keep all of these fish, even though I change the water 3 times a week? And how do I feed veggies to my pleco? I have tried lettuce but he just sits beside it and he's lke "Am I supposed to eat that?"
I might ask my mum to switch around the living room so that I can fit a new, massive tank in there.
No wonder it looks so clean! Sounds like you're doing a wonderful job of taking care of it :)
I think you'd want around a 55g (~208l?) tank for all of them. You could add some cories too if you wanted, I think.
What type of lettuce did you give him? Sometimes it takes a few tries for them to realize it's food. I feed mine zucchini. To make it sink you can boil it for a few mins and then drop it in ice water.
Switching furniture around sounds a good idea to me. We've done that a few times to make tanks fit :D Plus always nice to have a change of scenery.
yeah, I hope the fishies don't mind 3 water changes a week lol. And I gave him iceberg lettuce I think. That was AGES ago so he might have changed. Can I feed him cucumber? And I don't even know what zucchini is. But my house is so small it's very unlikely i'll be able to get any size tank to fit. I'll go take some measurements and see where I could fit a bigger tank and what size I could get. Come here, measuring tape.

Ok, so the very biggest size I could get would be a 80 cm wide tank. I think that I might have to get a more tall tank than wide. It can't be too deep either so I have very limited options...... I'll try and find a tank and i'll save up.
I doubt they mind ^^
Iceburg probably not the best since it's mainly water isn't it? I'd do romaine instead.
Same goes for cucumber which is why I mention the zucchini I think we have different words for it though.. Does courgette sound right? :)
Ok, thanks. I will try and find romaine lettuce. I love how we went from pictures of my tank to lettuce lool.

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