My 38 Us Gallon Tank (144 Liters) And 8G


Fish Addict
Dec 1, 2013
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So!!!!! I have posted on here before about my 38 gallon tank.  But I stopped because of camalanus worms that infected my fish.  I believe that they are all gone, so lets just hope for the best! 
Last night I moved about 17 guppy fry, all ranging from about 1cm- 1.5cm.  In the tank there is currently one of their siblings who was put in there earlier to see if they were large enough to survive (many weeks ago). I originally put in three babies, but only the one survived.  That guppy has been growing for a while and so has its one sibling that is the same age (they have other full siblings but are about 1 month apart).  I have 3 neon tetras, one white skirt tetra, and one Chinese golden algae eater.   I know that the tetras need bigger groups, but they seem to be just fine, the 2 species actually tend to school together, they were the only ones left in their tanks at the pet store.  
I took the guppy fry out of their tank and into a 5 gallon bucket, I slowly put some of the tank water into their container allowing them to adjust to the new water.  I soon placed the fry from the bucket into the tank.  The other fish were so excited! The lone guppy fry appeared very happy.  It immediately swam up to the others and they started to "kiss".  They were probably just showing who was boss.  The white skirt tetra was excited for a new food source.  I went back to my tank about 1 1/2 hours later and found one fry in the mouth of the white skirt, and one died from a broken back and was floating around.  
Although it may seem cruel, tetras are an aggressive species, since then the white skirt has settled down and I haven't witnessed any more deaths.  The white skirt is still a bit nippy, but isn't really trying to actually eat them. 
Now that the guppy fry are out of their 8 gallon, i can start with my next plan......
 I have never owned a betta fish before so this will be fun.  I have found lots of good, smooth rocks that are suitable for my betta. I have tested them with vinegar to see if they bubble, if they did, i put them aside to be thrown back into the garden.  If they bubble they can change the PH of your water (some bubbles are cause by small holes so I will fill the holes with the vinegar first and test the area again.  I also looked for any "sparkles" or streaks of metal.  Any rocks that were questionable go back into the garden.  
I plan on buying one female betta, multiple live plants, possibly a new heater, a new light (the old one just burnt out last week) nad possibly some sand to replace the substrate. 
Any advice you have about betta fish let me know!  I wont have a filter for the tank, but I plan on weekly water changes, most of the water will be changed if not all. 
Another update on the 38 gallon.  My fish look good, no more deaths as far as I can see.  I have seen lots of new color on the guppies tails, four of the younger fry look to be promising males.  They are getting some coloration on their spine area close to the tail.  So hopefully I can get a few males.  The tetras are getting food really well, I was worried about the guppies getting it all but they fight their way in pretty easily.
Hope I get some gorgeous fish! 
So I haven't looked at my fish for a while. Still have taken care of the tank, but haven't really looked at the fish. My guppy fry are gorgeous! They are starting to develop some light blue, I have one male who lived in the quarantine tank that is an orange color. He won't ever be put in the main tank as well as a smaller, younger female. I am super excited to see their colors! :D
38:  Beautiful females! I am so excited, a few with more clear tails and some with some beautiful black designs. I have two for sure males..
 It looks like the older male will have a red tail, this would come from his mothers side, his grandpa had a red/ orange tail.  Hopefully he gets a little bit of lyre tail like his father.  
8: Bleach cleaned the tank today! I am going to either buy sand or just use the sandbox sand that we have.  Hopefully next week I can run to the pet store and get my betta!  I wont be doing a cycling because of the tank size, I don't have a filter that is small enough but I plan on doing weekly changes of about 70-80% and full tank cleanings once a month.  Although I may be able to jerry-rig my undergravel filter to fit the tank and give a little bit of filtration and current.
So another update.  I ended up buying a betta and some ghost shrimp as well as a little mossball friend. So I finished my 8-ish gallon tank and they look happy!  I will add some of the old filter media into the new tank in a few days, I want to see how they cope for a while and see if its really needed, I am hesitant because I did have camalanus worms a while back.  But thanks to a wonderful member I know the eggs or uneaten worms die in a week! So I am giving the main tank a few days to make sure it is for sure safe.  
Female betta: Rose: She is a reddish color, but also has some pazzaz.  Therefor her name Rose is also after the spunky and amazing character Rose Tyler from Doctor Who.  
Shrimp: no names.... yet, but one larger female is holding eggs so it will be pretty exciting when they hatch! 
sounds like its coming along nicely  :) be sure to put some pictures up :)
So my guppies are up to breeding age! I have two females from their mothers first batch.  They recently had their first fry about 1 1/2 weeks ago... but I wasn't home so they all got eaten.  They were super skinny and my white skirt tetra was very fat.  Pretty sure they dropped. ;)   I want to try and sell some of the guppies and then add a gourami or an angel fish (if possible). 
My female betta fish is doing wonderful! She has grown about 3/4 of an inch and her fins have become a little longer.  I would suspect she should get a little longer and possibly a little longer fins. She is soooooooo gorgeous! A lot of her brown has turned into red and she has some serious blue highlights going on.  Chances are I won't be able to breed her.  I want to breed betta fish when I am older, as well as a lot of other fish.  And maybe open a pet store, depends on if I become a marine biologist or zoologist. ;) 
Wish me luck! Any advice or tips are welcome! :D
Haven't posted in a while, and I realize that I haven't ever posted a picture of my tank. I just redid the tank, the pictures are in halves, the first set is the left side and the other picture is the right. On another recent thread, you can see that I am almost done cycling my 10 gallon tank. I plan on getting a single male platyfish, and getting to nerite snails. I also am getting 3 to 5 more neons, and maybe some gost shrimp or cherry shrimp if they have them.

In the 38 gallon tank I currently have multiple guppies, three neon tetras, and four or five red cherry shrimp. The reason I say four or five is because I have two males and two females, but I I am not sure if a female is still alive, two females were very close in size so I am not sure if I'm seeing one or both.


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