My 1St Post! My Two Beautiful Tanks!

Hello and 

Like the Roman theme tank 

Hope you enjoy the forum!
to TFF! Hope you enjoy it here.
I really like both of your tanks, seem well put together and lots of places for the fish to play and hide in :D
Fascinating tanks.  What fish varieties are in the Roman (you told us about the other one, lol).
I really like the glofish but I have a fish that looks exactly like your pink one at my LFS they called it a coloured skirt tetra. oh and just wondering do u need a special light too make the color look neon like that?
"Freedom" I just have a couple black mollys and assorted rainbowfish (boesemani and Iranian) A few albino cory cats, pictus catfish, 1 clown pleco, and 1 candy stripe pleco.
"Julianmiles123" yes you need blue LED light to make them glow. I have a blacklight behind the tank at the bottom to make a nice glow, then above I have the glofish edtion blue LED strip light that attaches to the back of the tank!
awesome roman theme tank wish i could do something like that
Really awesome tanks, i just dont support glofish trade because theyre genetically engineered fish :/ But i really like the Roman tank, ive always wanted a themed tank.
You've got beautiful tanks. I will definitely have something like that next year when I get a house.

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