Mutant Java Fern?


May 8, 2012
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I got this java fern a few weeks ago and attatched it to my driftwood, but is it growing properly as I have never seen anybodys looking like this before, I will upload some ne pics tomorrow but this is one I took of my fish when i had someones decent camera phone.
Those leaves will eventually die off as they're getting plantlets on the tips. Just pull off and attach to something. :)
Those leaves will eventually die off as they're getting plantlets on the tips. Just pull off and attach to something. :)
so pull of the the new leaves and attach them to the wood? so should I just remove the leave they are growing on as its gonna die soon and it looks horrible? thanks. also thought i would ask is my neon tetra that looks ornage normal as i've been wondering?.
just pull off the new leaves, they will come off really easily, some of my java fern leaves are dying off but i keep them floating around my tank for the time being that way they will just produce more and more new leaves and you'll have more java fern in the long run then :)
The Tetra looks fine to me, yeah you can pull them off and attach them to wood or just leave them on there, its up to you.:) I'd wait for it to start dying then it will come away much easier.

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