Murky Water (Substrate Change)


Fish Fanatic
Jun 27, 2012
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Hey guys/gals!

I'm "new" to the forum, but I've been lurking for the longest time.
I've come to sort of an issue with my 40 usg tank atm. I recently changed the substrate from sand to topsoil because I like the way it looks.
Now the tank's all cloudy and yellow :no:
What can I do to clear up the water asap?
Would the cloudy water harm the fish in the tank?

Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance :)
did you "cap" the topsoil? you could try something like carbon/purigen to remove the water colouring.
No, I didn't cap it. I kinda like the way it looks if that makes any sense :p
I just put in some carbon right now...hopefully it makes a difference!
Should I put in any of that clearfast stuff the lfs sells?
And does the cloudiness harm the fish in anyway? :X
id try not to add any chemicals to it to clear it.. ive read about dirt tanks cuz i was going to do it on mine. apparently you need to cap it to stop the soil floating around and leeching(sp?) in to the water..

i think if you dont cap it its just going to keep discolouring the water, but i could be wrong.
Here are some pics of what the water looks's already a lot better than what it looked like yesterday, but the water's still tea colored.
How do I get rid of it? :/

Bonus pic of my kuhli loaches <3

Tank water :sad:
yeah your suppose to cap off the soil or its just guna keep breaking down and going everywhere. its guna be even worse when you "gravel" vac or do any type or maintenance where you need to move the substrate.

if that was me. id empty the tank of plants and fish .drain the tank, cap off the soil with either some gravel or sand and then replant and refill and add the fish back. im not experienced with dirted tanks but it doesnt look good from the pictures. :good:
Can anyone confirm that soil needs capping off?
Cause I really like the way soil looks as substrate and I'd hate to take apart my tank :/
it does need capping off.. to keep it down at the bottom of the tank :fun:
I did a water change and added carbon...seems to be getting progressively better.
I would have thought there would only be so much it can leech into the water. It should clear in time.
it will stop leeching sooner or later. but as soon as yoy touch the substrate its guna go cloudy again.

how do you plan on cleaning the substrate? just a normal gravel vac? im actually interested in this idea. it looks quite nice :lol:
This might sound terrible, but I wont be cleaning the substrate.
Any extra food that might fall to the bottom my khuli's will find, and any poop will break down into nitrates for my plants to use.
I'll just be doing water changes without touching the substrate.
Did another 25% water change.

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