New Member
Hey everyone,
so recently I've been having some fish deaths. I had a large amount of deaths about a month ago but after doing a big water change it seemed to have fixed it, however I've lost 3 fish in the past week and I'm scared that I will have another large death outbreak. The frustrating thing is that I don't know what is causing it. When I had the large outbreak the fish would become very lethargic and stop eating and eventually start swimming erratically and then die with their gills open. I had some activated carbon in my canister filter from the P/O and I read that if you keep it in there too long it gets clogged up and starts releasing toxins so I removed that. However I don't think thats what caused it because I had a large amount of deaths in my fry tank too and that was only running on 2 sponge filters.
Anyways here are my parameters:
Tank size: 45 gal
Fish types and number: Nhkomo Reef - 7 // Frontosa Burundi (still young, about 2 inches, i'm just growing them out to put them in a bigger tank) - 4 // Kribensis - 3 // Synodonitis Petricola - 4 // Albino Bristlenose Pleces - 2 //
Time running: 7 months
pH: 8.4
Temperature: 79 degrees Fahrenheit
New additions: none
Rocks: 3 large pieces of texas holey rock and a piece of lava rock
Food: NLS pellets and Omega One cichlid flakes
Filter: Fluval 204 with 2 baskets of biomax and 1 basket with marineland activated carbon/ammonia remover mix - recently added // Penguin 100 HOB filter
Heater: Aqueon Pro 300W
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 5 ppm
kH & gH: I forget but the water is very hard from the tap
Maintenance: weekly 5 gal water change using ChlorXChange water conditioner
Medications used: None except for a little bit of aquarium salt
let me know if i'm missing anything. I've lose 2 petricolas and 1 Frontosa in the past week. They don't seem to lose their hunger but the day before they die they kind of just sit at the bottom of the tank and turn darker than usual. It also seems like theres tiny little white specks floating around in the water but i'm not sure what to make of it.
thank you everyone
so recently I've been having some fish deaths. I had a large amount of deaths about a month ago but after doing a big water change it seemed to have fixed it, however I've lost 3 fish in the past week and I'm scared that I will have another large death outbreak. The frustrating thing is that I don't know what is causing it. When I had the large outbreak the fish would become very lethargic and stop eating and eventually start swimming erratically and then die with their gills open. I had some activated carbon in my canister filter from the P/O and I read that if you keep it in there too long it gets clogged up and starts releasing toxins so I removed that. However I don't think thats what caused it because I had a large amount of deaths in my fry tank too and that was only running on 2 sponge filters.
Anyways here are my parameters:
Tank size: 45 gal
Fish types and number: Nhkomo Reef - 7 // Frontosa Burundi (still young, about 2 inches, i'm just growing them out to put them in a bigger tank) - 4 // Kribensis - 3 // Synodonitis Petricola - 4 // Albino Bristlenose Pleces - 2 //
Time running: 7 months
pH: 8.4
Temperature: 79 degrees Fahrenheit
New additions: none
Rocks: 3 large pieces of texas holey rock and a piece of lava rock
Food: NLS pellets and Omega One cichlid flakes
Filter: Fluval 204 with 2 baskets of biomax and 1 basket with marineland activated carbon/ammonia remover mix - recently added // Penguin 100 HOB filter
Heater: Aqueon Pro 300W
Ammonia: 0
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: 5 ppm
kH & gH: I forget but the water is very hard from the tap
Maintenance: weekly 5 gal water change using ChlorXChange water conditioner
Medications used: None except for a little bit of aquarium salt
let me know if i'm missing anything. I've lose 2 petricolas and 1 Frontosa in the past week. They don't seem to lose their hunger but the day before they die they kind of just sit at the bottom of the tank and turn darker than usual. It also seems like theres tiny little white specks floating around in the water but i'm not sure what to make of it.
thank you everyone