Moving Stock Around For Loaches, Need Help

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Aug 16, 2012
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My original plan was to sell a smaller tank, buy another 125 gallon and set it up for yoyo, zebra, and some clown loaches. Now I'm thinking about keeping the tank, and just moving some fish around so I can put the loaches in my current 125. I'll give you an estimate of my current tanks and stock and any ideas you have for which fish to move or stay in the 125 are appreciated. I'm not sure which of these fish would thrive in a tank with the current needed to keep loaches happy. Thanks

125 gallon:
3x Pearl Gourami
3x Rainbowfish
20x Harlequin Rasbora
10x Golden Pristella Tetra
4x Five banded barb
4x Glass catfish
7x Platy
5x Black Neon Tetra
4x Neon Tetra
10x Corydora
4x YoYo Loach
1x Bristlenose Pleco
1x Redtail blackshark

75 gallon:
7x Pictus Catfish

75 gallon:
3x Whiptail catfish
1x Dalmation Molly
4x Julii Cory
8x Platy
5x Guppy
3x swordtail

50 gallon:
1x Hybrid Synodontis catfish
16x Five Banded Barb

35 gallon:
1x Red Tiger Oscar ( only 2.5 inches right now, still in his baby tank )

20 gallon:
1x striped Raphael catifhs
1x upsidedown catfish
4x kuhli loach
7x assorted corydoras

10 gallon:
6x platy fry
8x guppy fry

10 gallon:
9x molly fry
1x platy fry
Wow what a collection!! Any pics anywhere? I can see your problem but I think it could be quite easy to fix but could mean a bit of juggling, I think this is what I would do... (Im ignoring the 10gs as I think these should stay as breeding tanks - though just wondering with all the other fish what are the plans to raise more fish?)

I really want to put your Oscar in the 125 because its what they need really, a 75 would be okay but with the 125 its your biggest fish and makes more sense for me...

125 gallon: Large Fish Tank
1x Red Tiger Oscar (give him room from a young age :) )
5 x Rainbow Fish (add more all same type, what are your current ones? - dwarf neons won't work but the larger ones would like Red or Turquoise)
5/6 Clown Loaches (buy as big as you can as the Oscar will grow much much faster)
7 x Pictus Catfish
1x Hybrid Synodontis Catfish (could go in 75g Asian Tank)
1x Striped Raphael Catfish (could go in 75f American Tank)

75 gallon: - Asian Tank
3x Pearl Gourami
20x Five banded barb
6x Glass catfish
6x YoYo Loach
8x Zebra Loaches
3x Upside Down Catfish
1x Redtail Black Shark

75 gallon: - American Tank
10x Golden Pristella Tetra
5x Black Neon Tetra
10x Neon Tetra
10x Corydora
1x Bristlenose Pleco
3x Whiptail catfish

50 Gallon: Live Bearer Tank
1x Dalmation Molly
15x Platy
5x Guppy
3x swordtail
4x Julii Cory
7x Assorted Corydoras (What species are these? Could do to get all the same species)

35 Gallon: Smaller Asian Tank
20x Harlequin Rasbora
10x kuhli loach

Which would leave your 20 Gallon free… so maybe

20 Gallon: Dwarf Cichlid Tank
2x Laetacara Dorsiger
2x Laetacara Curviceps
8x Pencil Fish
6x Cories - maybe match up some of your mixed up school?

I tried paring the oscar with the RTS because I read some stories where it worked, after a few hours I checked on her and she was white and had scales missing and her fins ripped. Shes larger then the oscar was as well, he's either too curious or too playful so I put her in my 125 and I actually see her out swimming around now instead of hiding all day. The Rainbows I have are normal ones, one is a turquoise and the other two I dont know what they are, but they aren't boesemani. The cories that I have aren't 100% mixed, I just couldn't remember how much of which I had but I do have about 6 Julii, 3 albino, 3 peppered, 6 agassizi, 6 skunk

Here is the 75 tank atm with whats left of my livebearers, I had some parasite/fungus go around and wipe out most of the tank, whatever I bought to fix it must not have been the right meds.


Here is the 35 gallon oscar tank right now, you can see his size by the intake pipe

The 20 gallon that my girlfriend takes care of, water is low because we use a fluval U2, will replace it with a hob soon

The 50gallon with 1 hybrid synodontis and 16 Five Banded Barbs. It was originally the RTS tank but she didnt come out much. I had 3 Hybrids but they seemed to eat each others fins so I had to separate them, one died and the smallest almost has all his fins back

The 75g Pictus tank, sorry for the glare they range is size from 2-4 inches depending on when I bought them

The 125 gallon which is my current community tank


Cool :) Nice tanks! I can see in the 125 that you have two Madigascan Rainbows in there.

Have you tried your oscar with any other fish? Maybe he goes in one of the 75g as a wet pet?

What did you think to my other tank suggestions

Whats a wet pet? I've only tried him with the rts so far, the pictus mean alot to me and don't want to see him eat or kill one if he gets curious at them. Also the clown loaches at the stores here are all babies, no larger then 2" or so in size so they will need time to grow same with the yoyos but your idea had them in a different tank then the clowns

I think your tank lists are nice, they are more country themed then mine currently are, I was planning on going tomorrow since they have their sales on for Boxing day so I'm still thinking about moving stuff but need a decision soon
Wills is suggesting that you put the Oscar in a 75g by itself, this could be its home for life with no tankmates, which is considered the minimum tank size for these fish living alone and interacting with you.

The Clown Loaches might be babies at the store in tomorrow's sale, but they will rapidly reach ~15cm and be knocking on the door of a 5-foot tank by then, giving them more space to actively swim against a strong current and room to grow about as long as your Oscar's potential. But at some point they deserve at least a 6x2x2 in a large group of 10+.

Buying "tank buster fish" is a serious commitment, in my own collection I have a ~25cm TL Synodontis notata bought at this size 10 months ago, plus a ~12cm TL Auchenoglanis (Girraffe Catfish species) and ~8cm TL Chrisichthys ornatus that have both doubled in size since purchasing them back in early September... Eventually they could well outgrown my notata and I have to hope the three will live together in harmony long term in either my 5x2x2 or my new bargain 6x1.5x1.5, but there are no guarantees and I might have to choose between an even bigger tank or rehoming at some point.
The clowns and other loaches will be going in a 6 foot tank, and I do know in the next year or two while they do grow, it slows down after the first year. My Striped Rapheal is a "tank buster" who gets to be 10-12" when its an adult but its a very slow grower. My pleco however its a BN so it will only get 5-6". I figured he meant a solo tank fish, I was thinking of putting him in a 75 gallon by itself if nothing else I have will work with him. I know they play with Yoyos so I was thinking of maybe the 5-6 for now and when the time comes for a larger tank maybe add a few more. I've seen many tanks with very large and very small clowns inside. I plan on getting a ~1200gph pump for loaches to have a current, I just need to figure out which fish I had to decorate the top of the tank wont be blown around by the current all I know is Rainbow do well against it.

My tanks do fine right now in my apartment, I'm either going to put myself on the list for a first floor apartment or treat myself to a giant one whenever I work my way into a house

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