Moving My 55 Gal Tonight.

Scott MacAdam

Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
Halifax, Canada
Hey everyone, I'm stuck moving all my fish and tanks tonight so I'm looking for a little advice. Maybe a tip here or there.

Basically, I've got a 40 gal set up already at the new place so I plan on tearing down the 55 and moving all the fish in the mean time over to the 40.

I'm going to pack them in styrofoam containers in for the trip but the whole ordeal should last about an hour if I'm quick. This is my first time moving a bigger tank so if you have any experience in this tell me your story so I don't make any silly mistakes.

I'll keep you all posted on the progress and post up some pics later tonight when im all done so you guys can see how it all went down if you are curious.
Ok fellas, all moved with no losses. I won't bother with posting the pics and method I used as of now, but if you guys want any info when you are getting ready for a move of your own, pm me
I have a HUGE, BIG, SCARY move at the end of the year, and could use advice for sure. We are moving from Tx to Ga, and it will take 2 days. I know yours was shorter, but anything can help.

Glad your move went ok. :good:
Well, the way I see it with big moves is that someone has to be doing it right. Lol. Otherwise we' d all only keep local fish. I mean how long does it take wild discus to make it up here to Canada? Yet I see them in the shops from time to time. My move wasnt too far but at the same time it all came down to preparation. My advice from what I learned tonight is that you should work out all the details and timing well before attempting anything and plan for it to take much longer than you are expecting. Hahaha
So basically add 2 days because of the kids + fish? :blink: hehe I am glad your move went well. We are already starting a plan, including how to transport plants. I always look to other people experience for ideas.

Segue those pics! :p

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