Moving House... Moving Tank


New Member
Apr 13, 2007
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Hello There

Okay so I am looking to buy a new house very soon so I need expert advice on how to transfer my tank.
Any advice is much appreciated! :good:
If it is possible to move everything from the old house straight into the new house that would help. You could save the fish for the last thing. It also depends on how far you are moving and how long the drive is. Considering a short distnce (30 minutes or less) I would proceed as below.

When you're ready to move them, fill buckets with tank water, put the fish in and cover with lids. Make sure the buckets aren't too overcrowded with fish as they will deplete the oxygen too fast. Save all the water you can as the water at your new home may have considerably different parameters as what you currently have (higher/lower pH, ammonia/nitrite/nitrate in the tap water). Putting the fish back into the water they came from will help ease their stress. You wouldn't hae any problems simply topping off with the new water. That would be equivelant to a normal water change.

Quickly take everything out of the tank and bucket it too. Make sure you keep your filter media wet at all times. It isn't necessary to get every bit of substrate out, just enough to make the tank light enough to carry. You don't want to leave too much though and have the weight of the substrate cause the bottom to crack in the move.

Once everything is loaded and transported to the new home, open the buckets and add filtration or aeration and a heater if possible. Watch to make sure the fish don't jump out. Set up tank, add substrate, plants, decorations, etc. and put water and fish back in. Depending on the type substrate you have, you may want to wash it. If it is gravel, I would rinse it to remove any debris and waste that is in it. Sand shouldn't be as big a problem but could still be rinsed. Rinsing substrates made for planted tanks, such as Eco-Complete and Flora Base, may not be wise as you my wash out some of the nutrients they contain.
My local shop will allow me to rent tank space for my fish while you move house....something you can ask
My local shop will allow me to rent tank space for my fish while you move house....something you can ask
Not a bad idea. One of the local shops near me will actually move it for you. I don't know what it costs though.
My advise is take the tank, fish water, supbstrate, .... everything for the setup in one load, and preferably the last load of the day. I have moved with my fish tanks 7 times in the last 8 years, and it is supprisingly tiring setting everything back up and so nice to just relax while they acclimate and know you dont have to go back for another load. I am not sure about the renting of tank space that seems kinda scary for me, it would just and another move for your fish, and therfore more stress. Good luck with the house hunting
jenniet, where are you located? There may be other forum members near you that would be willing to help you with the tank move?

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