Moving House - How To Transport Fish?


New Member
Aug 9, 2011
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Hi all,

I'm moving house in several house to an area about 4 hours away.

Can anyone offer any advice how to move a fish tank with several danios and a blue gourami.

Many thanks,
Hi all,

I'm moving house in several house to an area about 4 hours away.

Can anyone offer any advice how to move a fish tank with several danios and a blue gourami.

Many thanks,


Never actually had to do a move of my own, but If I did.......

I would probably grab some fish bags from my LFS and some barrels for transporting water (seeing as you work so hard to maintain it)

4 hours in a bag without oxygen is a lomg time is there anyway you could modify a ariator to run off the cigerette lighter in the car that way u could have them in a bucket or tub with oxygen going in and wrap them up in blankets because the smaller amount of water will lose temp quicker.
They'll be fine in bags for four hours. Just make sure you get large bags (most LFS will give or sell you some) and fill them no more than one third water/two thirds air; you need more air than water.

Then pack them in an insulated box, or wrap with a blanket or duvet to keep them warm.
You can get battery operated air pumps. Not sure if the same goes for heaters though. I'd go for bags as buckets have the possibility of tipping over, unless you went for a box which wouldn't.. If you can get hold of a polystyrene box to put the bags in to help them keep their heat all the better.
Last time I moved a long distance, I got one of those big kitchen bins, quarter filled it with tank water, popped the fish in, and plonked it in the passenger seat foot well. Draped a towel over it, pushed the front seat forward to hold it in place.

Worked for me, :)
bag your fish up. put them in an insulated box get some drums thats hold water fill up a couple and put your filter etc in one. break down your tank put your foot down on the motor way. then at the other end fill a bucket up with your tank water you saved then add heater and put fish in then put your tank back together.

thats what i did many years ago.
Thanks for the advice everyone.

I only have 7 fish to transport (one of my Blue Gourami died last week! He must have been scared about the move...).

Anyway, I'm going to put the fish and some of the water into a bucket with the heater/filter in whilst I put the rest of the water into bottles I have been collecting so that I have as much original water as possible when I get back to the other end. I'll then pack down the tank etc.

Once the tank is in the card and ready to go, I'm going to put 3 fish in one large bag, and 4 in the other. The bags are going to be 1/3 fill of the tank water. I'm putting relatively warm water in a cool box, then putting the bags in that warm water so hopefully the cool box and warm water will keep the fish warm.

At the other end, I am torn between one of two options.
1) Putting the fish into a large bucket, with the heater and filter in for the night/next day. Then, that evening I will set the tank up.
2) Set the tank up in a temporary room, the move it all again later that day.

The reason for this, is because of the distance I am going the night before. I am to pick up the first at 8am the next morning.

Would the fish survive being in a large bucket (or something similar, like the cool box but out of their bags) for a 24 hour period?

Many thanks!
Yes, they should be fine in a bucket, or storage box, for that amount of time, if you can rig up the filter to run in there :good:
Hahaha, I was about to ask the same question although the tank I am going to transport is 450L and I have 13 danios, 3 three spot gouramis, 4 khuli loaches and 7 clown loaches.

I am trying to work out the logistics of moving, keeping the fish alive, setting up the tank and moving that quantity of water.

How big is your tank?
Perhaps something like this
might be the answer?

That car adapter is what I will be using, but I am moving an 18 hour drive away and the movers will be packing up the house a week before we move. My fish will be living in a rubbermaid with filter and heater for a few days at the hotel, then traveling in the same container, plugged into my car jack. But my trip is very, very long and takes a few weeks before we settle into a new house.

I would just take yours in the bags for the trip, then put them in a container with your filter running while you set up the tank, then you don't have to net them or acclimate them more then once. They'll be ok overnight. I recently had mine living in a container while I changed from gravel to to sand.

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