Moving Advice?


Mostly New Member
Apr 18, 2016
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Hi, all. I'll be moving to an apartment in about a month, and I was wondering if any of you had any general advice on how I should go about getting everything to and from the apartment. I'm moving about an hour away, so I'm a little worried about the fish and plants. 
I have 2 GBRs, 1 betta, and 2 nerite snails.
Also, I have a planted 29 gallon and a semi planted 5 gallon.
I haven't had the opportunity to test the new water, but from the location (and smell of it), I think it's a little softer water. How should I go about acclimating everyone?
Also, since the tank won't be in my bedroom anymore, it'll be in the living room, I was thinking about moving away from HOBs since they're loud (and my AC is very loud as well) and maintenance is relatively high. Any advice on canisters or sumps for a 29?
Thanks for your help :)
Hi ... I had to move my tank just over a year ago to have a new carpet fitted here's how I did it.
I bought 4 plastic storage tubs with lids. 2 I filled with my plants (I'm very heavily planted) and 1 will my wood and rocks. I filled all three up with tank water. This left the tank empty to be able to see all my fish.
I had a spare 100 litre tank in my shed so I set that going in my kitchen and filled it with more tank water and some fresh and then started catching fish. Once all the fish were moved over I emptied as much water as I could and started scooping out my sand into the 4th storage box. 
I then added one of my canister filters to the 100 litre tank and hoped for the best! The fish were in there for 3 days. I didn't feed them in that time.
In your case you only have 3 fish and the snails. So I would buy a strong storage box and a spare heater. I'd set the storage box up at the new place and add 50% of your established water to it, topping it up with fresh dechlorinated water from the new place. Add the heater to the box (the suction cups will stick to plastic fine) and put the lid on. If you have an air stone you could set that running while you head back to the old place and catch your fish. Bag them up as the store does. Add them to a box packed with some towels and grab your filter (remembering to keep it wet) and drive to the new place and add the fish and the filter to the prepared box. They will be absolutely fine in there for a couple of days. To limit stress I would cover it with a blanket or towel and I wouldn't feed either. 
Once you have their tank re-set up in your new home I would add some of the old water to it - it'll be like doing a large water change. Provided you do things calmly and gently the fish probably won't even notice. 
If you are on good terms with your lfs ask them if you can have some fish bags (explain the situation if you have to) Most good fish stores will be as helpful as they can be :)

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