Moving A Tank With Fish From A To B ?


Mostly New Member
Jul 11, 2013
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Hello everyone,
I am getting a tropical fish aquarium from a friends mum who no longer wants it. It is currently running with 5 or 6 fish still in it. I need to move it from her house to mine (about a 10min drive)
I was wondering what is the best way to do this? And how long before i can return the fish to the tank?
Ive never kept fish before so i dont really have a clue? Ive read a few things on the internet but alot of it seems to contradict itself. Do i need to keep the water that is currently in the tank and transfer back into the tank when i set it up at my house? Also i want to add more fish to it, how long do i have to wait before i can do this?? 
Thanks :)
kaspa said:
I was wondering what is the best way to do this? And how long before i can return the fish to the tank?
Ive never kept fish before so i dont really have a clue? Ive read a few things on the internet but alot of it seems to contradict itself. Do i need to keep the water that is currently in the tank and transfer back into the tank when i set it up at my house? Also i want to add more fish to it, how long do i have to wait before i can do this?? 
I think u need to keep the water & through it back to the tank once you doing the setup. You can straight away put the fish to the tank if u not change anything inside such as reuse water, filter, etc.
During the setup, don't wash the filter just keep it what it has because all the live bacteria inside needed for your tank later. (I assume your tank are full cycle already). If not, then u need to start from the beginning to do cycling for your tank.
*Wait for the expert answer you kaspa. ;)
BamBeckham said:
I was wondering what is the best way to do this? And how long before i can return the fish to the tank?
Ive never kept fish before so i dont really have a clue? Ive read a few things on the internet but alot of it seems to contradict itself. Do i need to keep the water that is currently in the tank and transfer back into the tank when i set it up at my house? Also i want to add more fish to it, how long do i have to wait before i can do this?? 
I think u need to keep the water & through it back to the tank once you doing the setup. You can straight away put the fish to the tank if u not change anything inside such as reuse water, filter, etc.
During the setup, don't wash the filter just keep it what it has because all the live bacteria inside needed for your tank later. (I assume your tank are full cycle already). If not, then u need to start from the beginning to do cycling for your tank.
*Wait for the expert answer you kaspa.

Thank you for your information. Im think the tank is full cycle? She has had it for years. Do i need to take all the water from the existing set up??
You don't need to take all the water, but take as much as you can.

This is what you need to do;

Switch off all the electrics (heater, filter, lights)

Take out as much water as you have storage for

Take out all the plants and decorations, filter and heater; keep the plants (if they're live ones) and filter wet

Catch the fish and put them in fish bags or covered buckets. Keep them wrapped up in a blanket or towels (it causes less stress for the fish if they're kept in the dark)

Empty out the tank; the water will probably be quite mucky now, so don't keep it. Get all the gravel/sand out as well; tanks can crack if they're moved with stuff still in them

Pack everything in your car and drive to your house

Set the tank up, put in the gravel/sand and the heater/filter (but don't switch them on yet)

Put the plants and decor back in, followed by the saved water

Put the fish in the tank

Top up with new water, making sure it's warmed and dechlorinated (most important!)

Switch electrics back on

Once you've got it all set back up, post back telling us how big the tank is and what fish are in it and we'll be able to advise you on what fish you might be able to add.

I would also highly recommend that you buy yourself a set of decent liquid or tablet water test kits. These really are essential pieces of kit for any fishkeeper; healthy, happy fish rely on good water
You'll need tests for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH.
Thank you very much fluttermoth :)  Thats the kind of simple and staight forward information i have bee looking for.
I have two more questions for you if thats ok?
1) How do i make sure the new water is dechlorinated??
2) Can i add new stones before i put the water and fish back into the tank?
Of course it's ok

1. You need a bottle of declorinator; you can get it in any aquarium shop, pet shop and even some supermarkets. It'll be called something like 'tap safe' or say on the bottle 'makes tap water safe for fish', something like that. Then you just add the amount it says on the bottle.

2. Yes, you can. Just make sure they don't have any metallic veins in them; some rocks can dissolve and affect your water chemistry though (the dissolved minerals make water 'harder' and can raise the pH, which some fish don't like), so it might be best to leave them out unless you're sure what sort of rocks they are.
Thank you so much for your information, it has been very helpfull :)
I will be sure to pester you again regarding any other problems or issues i may have ;)
All to the good, mate; it's what we're here for

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