Most Fish Floating Around The Bottom Colourless! Pic


Fish Fanatic
Jul 10, 2012
Reaction score
South Shields
6 Rummy nose tetra, 7 galaxy rasbora, 1 betta male and 3 shrimp. (60 litres - perfect water quality all tested litterally 5 minutes ago, 26 degrees)
10% Water change was done 3 days ago and a teaspoon of aquarium salt added.
ammonia - 0, nitrite - 0, nitrate 10-20ppm, ph 7.2

Most of the fish are floating around the bottom abnormally, some wake up a bit now and then when I turn the light on but they are all colourless, mostly the rummy nose that are completely white! They do have a slight creme/green colour on there head but I think this may be normal when they lose colour as they have a natural green tinge.
The galaxy rasbora seem ok bar one with colourloss, the betta seems to have a slight white tinge under his head, but think that may be colourloss too?

Can anyone help as to what could be wrong?



The galaxy rasboa seem to have a more arched back appearance than normal like there underbelly has lost a bit of condition and slightly red gill, not sure if that is normal for there breed? Just thought id note all I see to try and identify how to help them :(
6 Rummy nose tetra, 7 galaxy rasbora, 1 betta male and 3 shrimp. (60 litres - perfect water quality all tested litterally 5 minutes ago, 26 degrees)
10% Water change was done 3 days ago and a teaspoon of aquarium salt added.
ammonia - 0, nitrite - 0, nitrate 10-20ppm, ph 7.2

Most of the fish are floating around the bottom abnormally, some wake up a bit now and then when I turn the light on but they are all colourless, mostly the rummy nose that are completely white! They do have a slight creme/green colour on there head but I think this may be normal when they lose colour as they have a natural green tinge.
The galaxy rasbora seem ok bar one with colourloss, the betta seems to have a slight white tinge under his head, but think that may be colourloss too?

Can anyone help as to what could be wrong?

The galaxy rasboa seem to have a more arched back appearance than normal like there underbelly has lost a bit of condition and slightly red gill, not sure if that is normal for there breed? Just thought id note all I see to try and identify how to help them :(

I could be wrong, but it sounds like they are hiding from the betta.
When you say arched back. Do you mean curved spine.

What does it look like when your fish go to the toilet?
Is there anus enlarged, or red and inflamed?
Do any fish swim on there sides?
Do any fish spit there food out?
Do any fish swim in a jerky movement?
Any excess slime on fish body, gills, fins?
Any red sores on body, or read streaking of body, fins?
Any signs of flicking and rubbing?
Do any fish dart, erratic swimming?
Any signs of laboured breathing, or gasping?
Do any fish look thin, or bloated.
Are the scales sticking out.

Are the fish only looking pale when you turn tank lights on?
When you say arched back. Do you mean curved spine.

The arched back like underneith rather than ontop.... you can see a galaxy in one of the pics in the bacground and can she the under curve.

What does it look like when your fish go to the toilet?
Is there anus enlarged, or red and inflamed?
Do any fish swim on there sides?
Do any fish spit there food out?
Do any fish swim in a jerky movement?
Any excess slime on fish body, gills, fins?
Any red sores on body, or read streaking of body, fins?
Any signs of flicking and rubbing?
Do any fish dart, erratic swimming?
Any signs of laboured breathing, or gasping?
Do any fish look thin, or bloated.
Are the scales sticking out.

Are the fish only looking pale when you turn tank lights on?

What does it look like when your fish go to the toilet?
Is there anus enlarged, or red and inflamed?
Do any fish swim on there sides?
Do any fish spit there food out?
Do any fish swim in a jerky movement?
Any excess slime on fish body, gills, fins?
What do you mean slime? Nothing noticable I dont think?

Any red sores on body, or read streaking of body, fins?
Possible around the gills very very slight, think its normal

Any signs of flicking and rubbing?

Do any fish dart, erratic swimming?
Yes one or two, seem a bit nervous

Any signs of laboured breathing, or gasping?

Do any fish look thin, or bloated.

Are the scales sticking out

Fish are colourless constantly not a difference wether light is on or off...
6 Rummy nose tetra, 7 galaxy rasbora, 1 betta male and 3 shrimp. (60 litres - perfect water quality all tested litterally 5 minutes ago, 26 degrees)
10% Water change was done 3 days ago and a teaspoon of aquarium salt added.
ammonia - 0, nitrite - 0, nitrate 10-20ppm, ph 7.2

Most of the fish are floating around the bottom abnormally, some wake up a bit now and then when I turn the light on but they are all colourless, mostly the rummy nose that are completely white! They do have a slight creme/green colour on there head but I think this may be normal when they lose colour as they have a natural green tinge.
The galaxy rasbora seem ok bar one with colourloss, the betta seems to have a slight white tinge under his head, but think that may be colourloss too?

Can anyone help as to what could be wrong?

The galaxy rasboa seem to have a more arched back appearance than normal like there underbelly has lost a bit of condition and slightly red gill, not sure if that is normal for there breed? Just thought id note all I see to try and identify how to help them :(

I could be wrong, but it sounds like they are hiding from the betta.

I highly doubt it will be as he is very soft and never showed any signs of aggression to anything really! A possibility though isnt it...
Hi I haven't been on the forum for a while and only on my phone (so not great usability).
How long had your tank been set up?
I had a quick look at post and saw you had ich/whitespot out break less than a month ago?
I would suspect treatment not fully successful and reacurance...
Any signs?

Yes I had whitespot last month but it cleared up fine with water changes and a treatment.
Eyes seem fine, nothing obvious...
Do they lose colour before whitespot as mine did not before it was a pretty instant thing and they never lost this much colour they seem a lot more distressed now!

Tank has been set up for a good 3/4 months now... I did a fishless cycle too so my water quality was perfect until obviously the whitespot but that was from the goldfish we saved.

Seem to be trying to do evrything right and its all going wrong :(
Yes I had whitespot last month but it cleared up fine with water changes and a treatment.
Eyes seem fine, nothing obvious...
Do they lose colour before whitespot as mine did not before it was a pretty instant thing and they never lost this much colour they seem a lot more distressed now!

Tank has been set up for a good 3/4 months now... I did a fishless cycle too so my water quality was perfect until obviously the whitespot but that was from the goldfish we saved.

Seem to be trying to do evrything right and its all going wrong :(

Did you clean the filter after the whitespot? I've heard it can hide away in it's 2nd stage for ages.
What treatment did you use?
And when were you doing water changes?
You have to break the ich cycle (so usually more than one dose) and water changes would have made medication less affective...

You never answered one of my questions so I will ask again.
Do any of your fish show signs of deformities. Curved, or bent spine, s shaped spine.
You never answered one of my questions so I will ask again.
Do any of your fish show signs of deformities. Curved, or bent spine, s shaped spine.

I did answer all your questions if you look up the thread, I did not see the curved spine one but other than that I have answered them all.
The spines of galaxy seem fine it is there under belly that curves upward which im not sure is normal for the males. Other than that all fish have normal spine shapes.
What treatment did you use?
And when were you doing water changes?
You have to break the ich cycle (so usually more than one dose) and water changes would have made medication less affective...


I used the anti white spot by interpret, and did another dose a week later. After that I then started doing water changes to be safe and sure... Added salt too and everything seemed to clear away nicely. Yes cleaned filter...

All fish seem to be fine now.....
Thank you all for your help after a panic :)
Still need information on the galaxy rasbora if anyone knows any informantion about them?
- Are the males supposed to have a curved under belly and look rather thin?
- Do they generally as a breed have a natural redish tinge to the gill?
Sorry. I wasn't trying to be rude. I just needed to know the answer to that particular question. To help with solving what might be wrong with your fish.

Do the galaxy rasbora stomachs look pinched in.
Is it possible to load a pic up of the galaxy rasboras.

Some info on rummy nose tetra.

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