Fish Crazy
Regulator, drop checker and fire extinguisher on thier way 
So its time to look at a diffuser, as without good diffusion and co2 uptake into the water, the rest is useless. Ive used ceramics before which produce tiny bubbles which blow around the tank, but id like to get something that nears 100% diffusion.
Are atomisers just the same as ceramic diffusers? I only run an eheim 2213 so wouldnt a reactor restrict my flow?
Also seen in line diffusers on ebay (HK and China) has anyone purchased and are they any good?
Thanks all
So its time to look at a diffuser, as without good diffusion and co2 uptake into the water, the rest is useless. Ive used ceramics before which produce tiny bubbles which blow around the tank, but id like to get something that nears 100% diffusion.
Are atomisers just the same as ceramic diffusers? I only run an eheim 2213 so wouldnt a reactor restrict my flow?
Also seen in line diffusers on ebay (HK and China) has anyone purchased and are they any good?
Thanks all