Most Accurate Thermometer?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2011
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Just wondering which thermometer is the most accurate
I am not to keen on having a glass thermometer inside, hate the thought of it breaking in the tank, so i have a stick on lcd and also a digital lcd with a probe in the tank
What thermometers does everyone else use?
LCD ones are fine, But nothing beats glass thermos. Nothing comes close and I've never once seen or hear of them breaking inside fish tanks unless you do something silly with it.
Thanks  techen, I will have to visit Ebay and invest in a glass one then
I have glass and Digital (With a probe) both give me the same reading in the tank and the Digital one looks more "Techie" lol.
Yeah, glass ones are your best bet and there's very little chance they'll break. At worst they'll come unstuck from the sucker but it'll just sink slowly to the bottom.
One of my DGs used to swing his tail at it and every now again I'd hear a little click coming from inside the tank and wonder what the hell was going damage done though!
Sorted, bought one on Ebay for £1.69!!!!!

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