Mosquito Fish

We have mosquito fish, they're plain grey and look like guppies, but with small tails. They just breed wildly in our pond 
Need a better pic,but they don't look like Gambusia
Does not look like a mosquito fish to me either, rather like a molly.
the first pic looks like a platy/molly to me, just have to wait and see how big they can grow

the second looks like a guppy, mosquito fish lol they all are similar, just guppies are showy and mosquito fish aren't xD my guess
They were being sold as leopard mosquito fish. Getting them to stay still for a decent pic was a nightmare! Lol
Brilliant, glad I got them now :). I have never seen them before. Shop were not all that confident on them :s. Which is worrying as I always thought there were so knowledgeable.
As fish48 said these are Leopardfish livebearer  or Phalloceros caudimaculatus

these had large water changes, small daily water changes are best

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