Molly Problem


Fish Fanatic
Apr 3, 2012
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I have got 2 female mollies and 1 male. We have put the male is a breeder net as he is continually beating up the others and we will find him a new home A.S.A.P. I was just watching my females and they seemed to be slapping each other with their tails and nipping each other. what does this mean? are they fighting or bonding or showing authority. its the first time in almost 2 months that one of the females has come out without the bribe of food. she is terrified of the male. What can do? The tank is 70L and there is 2 dwarf gourami males, 4 rummy nose tetras and 3 mollies.
Please help me!!
The females are trying to work out whose the more dominant. Now that the male is removed from authority they'll have to work it out amongst themselves. All you should do is keep an eye on them and make sure they don't end up killing each other.

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