Molly Fry Pics :-)


Fish Fanatic
Apr 29, 2012
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To say I'm thrilled is an understatement!

I found 21 fry on Monday from my dalmatian molly who has the nickname of Stroppy! Sadly 6 were dead care of being caught up the filter but 15 really healthy looking fry doing great!

This morning I found 8 fry from my marble Molly (known as Bertie) that I've had for about 2 weeks! Realised she was pregnant as she came from a mixed tank & we have a male with her as well. Just wans't sure how pregnant, I thought she was a bit scatty last night!

So now have 23 fry happily growing in the hatchery :)

Hoping to pop out on Saturday and get another couple of breeding hatcheries / nets - I have another molly squaring off as well - not too sure how due but certainly looking rather large now!

I think I've found a real love for mollies & their fry :)

Congratulations! :good:
I'm in a similar situation, I've got a tank with 2 silver mollies in and one of them just dropped her fry. Only 6 survived (I found one in the filter) :blink: and they're really cute. But I'm really starting to like mollies, I'm thinking of getting more then I was planning. :wub:
One quick question though, where did you get your breeders/hatcheries from? I've made a tempoary one from a fruit punnet but I'm thinking of getting something more permenent if I'm going to get some more mollies.
I got my hatchery from local pet stores, the 1st 1 came from PAH and just got a 2nd from jollyes pet store locally.

Loving watching the fry grow, they're adorable!


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