Fish Fanatic
To say I'm thrilled is an understatement!
I found 21 fry on Monday from my dalmatian molly who has the nickname of Stroppy! Sadly 6 were dead care of being caught up the filter but 15 really healthy looking fry doing great!
This morning I found 8 fry from my marble Molly (known as Bertie) that I've had for about 2 weeks! Realised she was pregnant as she came from a mixed tank & we have a male with her as well. Just wans't sure how pregnant, I thought she was a bit scatty last night!
So now have 23 fry happily growing in the hatchery

Hoping to pop out on Saturday and get another couple of breeding hatcheries / nets - I have another molly squaring off as well - not too sure how due but certainly looking rather large now!
I think I've found a real love for mollies & their fry
I found 21 fry on Monday from my dalmatian molly who has the nickname of Stroppy! Sadly 6 were dead care of being caught up the filter but 15 really healthy looking fry doing great!
This morning I found 8 fry from my marble Molly (known as Bertie) that I've had for about 2 weeks! Realised she was pregnant as she came from a mixed tank & we have a male with her as well. Just wans't sure how pregnant, I thought she was a bit scatty last night!
So now have 23 fry happily growing in the hatchery

Hoping to pop out on Saturday and get another couple of breeding hatcheries / nets - I have another molly squaring off as well - not too sure how due but certainly looking rather large now!
I think I've found a real love for mollies & their fry