Molly Fry In Filter!


Mostly New Member
Oct 27, 2014
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Ok so this morning I was doing a water change and when I went to change the filter bag I found 10 fry swimming in my filter!!!! I have no idea when one of my Molly's had its baby all I have in my tank is 1 snail and 3 black Molly's. I think when it laid its eggs they got sucked up into the filter. Does any body know what I need to do? should I put the fry in the tank and let the mother take care of them? Thanks. Oh and one of the fry lookes hurt!!! Should I kill it so it's not in pain?
How long have you had the mollies?
Livebearers don't lay eggs they have live fry.
They will also eat the fry.
You could get a container and fill with tank water and float the container on top of the tank water.
Or go out any buy a fry tank that fits onto the side of the tank.
If you do decide to let the fry take there chances add some  plants to top of tank.
Plenty of hiding spaces.
Place filter in a stocking to stop the fry getting into the filter.
How bad is the fry. Can it maintain balance in the water?
Also, just to add something for you to think about. Your mollies could potentially continue to have babies on a monthly basis.

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