Mollies With Convict Cichlid?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2012
Reaction score
IL, Usa
I've been looking around the internet and this topic seems unclear to me. I plan on raising a baby convict cichlid. I've read that some people have had a positive experience with keeping mollies with cichlids.

Q1: Can mollies be kept with cichlids?
Q2: Have you tried keeping the two together, and if so what tank size, number of each fish...
Q3: Would a male or female cichlid be a more friendly tank mate?
Q4: What noncichlid fish can be kept with a convict cichlid?
Very little can be kept with convict cichlids, especially in smaller tanks. I wouldn't try mollies, swordtails would be a little more safe, but overall, livebearers are too sluggish to avoid aggression. You'd be better off with medium to large sized tetras like red eyes, blacks skirts, bleeding hearts, etc. My convict is a constant harasser of a school of silver dollars in my 75 gallon tank, which are all twice his size. He even stands his ground against my green terror who's head is as big as the convict.

People say females are nicer, but IME they're just as nasty. I had to finally rehome mine cause she killed everything I tried to keep her with, upside down catfish, plecos, tiger barbs, you name it. In comparison, my current male is a saint.

Why not try for some nicer cichlids with similar looks? Honduran Red Points are nearly identical with a bit more color, and are much more docile. T-Bar cichlids may also work, or keyhole cichlids. Even blue eyed cichlids could be a bit more docile.
I already have a convict cichlid, so I can't take her back now. It's still very small and I was wondering about it. I don't think I'll keep it with other fish.. I don't want to get a fish only to have it beat up :/ It wouldn't bother a snail would she?
I already have a convict cichlid, so I can't take her back now. It's still very small and I was wondering about it. I don't think I'll keep it with other fish.. I don't want to get a fish only to have it beat up :/ It wouldn't bother a snail would she?
Even my betta beats on snails. What size is your tank?
I already have a convict cichlid, so I can't take her back now. It's still very small and I was wondering about it. I don't think I'll keep it with other fish.. I don't want to get a fish only to have it beat up :/ It wouldn't bother a snail would she?
Even my betta beats on snails. What size is your tank?

It's still a baby so it's in a 10gallon. I'm hoping to get a 20 gallon long next week.
I already have a convict cichlid, so I can't take her back now. It's still very small and I was wondering about it. I don't think I'll keep it with other fish.. I don't want to get a fish only to have it beat up :/ It wouldn't bother a snail would she?
Even my betta beats on snails. What size is your tank?

It's still a baby so it's in a 10gallon. I'm hoping to get a 20 gallon long next week.
I wouldn't do snails. You can try for a single school of full bodied, quick moving fish like bleeding heart tetras, tiger barbs, black skirt tetras, or otherwise. No more than 6. But that's a risk in itself, and be prepared to remove any fish getting bullied.
I already have a convict cichlid, so I can't take her back now. It's still very small and I was wondering about it. I don't think I'll keep it with other fish.. I don't want to get a fish only to have it beat up :/ It wouldn't bother a snail would she?
Even my betta beats on snails. What size is your tank?

It's still a baby so it's in a 10gallon. I'm hoping to get a 20 gallon long next week.
I wouldn't do snails. You can try for a single school of full bodied, quick moving fish like bleeding heart tetras, tiger barbs, black skirt tetras, or otherwise. No more than 6. But that's a risk in itself, and be prepared to remove any fish getting bullied.

So only tetras and barbs?
I already have a convict cichlid, so I can't take her back now. It's still very small and I was wondering about it. I don't think I'll keep it with other fish.. I don't want to get a fish only to have it beat up :/ It wouldn't bother a snail would she?
Even my betta beats on snails. What size is your tank?

It's still a baby so it's in a 10gallon. I'm hoping to get a 20 gallon long next week.
I wouldn't do snails. You can try for a single school of full bodied, quick moving fish like bleeding heart tetras, tiger barbs, black skirt tetras, or otherwise. No more than 6. But that's a risk in itself, and be prepared to remove any fish getting bullied.

So only tetras and barbs?
Yes; if that. You'd be best off buying the convict a mate and having convict babies. Of course, getting rid of the fry is rather hard.
I got the female for free and didn't get another because I've heard how crazy the breed.

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