Mollie advice needed

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May 26, 2002
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Right so today i go into one of my lfs's to get some essentials and as per usual i have to have a look at the stock tanks lol :look:

After looking through most tanks and thinking to myself....."i'll have a dozen of those and 4 of them and......." i spotted some Black lyretail Mollies that looked very heavily "roe'd up" and promptly asked for 2, however upon asking the shop assistant if there were any males left he told me that there wasnt :(

So after looking in the other tanks again i decided to get a male and a female Silver Molly to go in with them :D , my thinking behind this was that hopefully i will get an interesting colour strain if i can cross them :grin:

Can you imagine i could end up with............
Silver Lyretail Mollies
Black Lyretail Mollies
and Dalmation Lyretail Mollies as well as all the above in standard form also but.......from one mateing 8)

Can anyone give me advisce on how to breed these fish as i have never tried before now lol

I am presuming that it wont be difficult? ;) :p
They are livebearers.  Put them in a tank feed, give cover for fry make sure they don't die.  And in a month or two you will be overun with them :D .

It is my understanding that you won't get a dalmation variety due to the genetics. Don't know what a lyretail is though :D.

Oh and if you want some more livebearers help me with world domination by taking a few of my 'black tail platies' in fact I just noticed today a new batch of babies. Some have black tails and some are almost all black!! They are like ninjas. They are sooo coool!! My tank is obviously a good mutation tank with all teh weird colours hehee. I think it may be because one of the males was sold to me as a platy. But he has grown a long tail :D :D :D :laugh: Either swordtail or swordplaty cross...
Most breeders try and get as pure a strain of fish as possible. There are far to many mass produced/farmed fish on the market. this leads to inbreading and the fish you end up with aren't in the top physical condition and susceptable(sp?) to diseases etc and mutations. If you want to try and play with the genetics to get something different try selective breeding to get as pure a strain as possible. (The're worth far more cash than the normal fish lfs sell) Then you can start mixing colous etc and get some intersting results.
As for a lyre tail A lot of fish have these. Basicly a lyre is an ancient harp like instrument and the tail looks like one hence the name "lyretail"
As for the idea of " mutant ninja Platties" taking over the world I like it :laugh:
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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