Mixed Sex Betta Tanks...

Do you keep male and female Bettas together permanently?

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N0body Of The Goat

Oddball and African riverine fish keeper
Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
Leaving male and female Bettas in a tank unsupervised has a massive reputation for disaster, yet apparently it is common in this forum.

Quick "straw poll" time!
Leaving male and female Bettas in a tank unsupervised has a massive reputation for disaster, yet apparently it is common in this forum.

Quick "straw poll" time!

Hi NObody Of The Goat - Like your idea of this poll - it'll be interesting. I've voted but it said I have to answer all 3 questions to vote. I don't keep them in the same tank but had to vote 'no aggression' to question 2 to get it to post....
I had to vote no to q2 as well.
One time I rested a bag with a male in my community tank with my females for a few minutes while I moved a small tank.
Within minutes they were having a go at him through the plastic, I'd hate to think of what might have happened if I'd released him into that tank
Leaving male and female Bettas in a tank unsupervised has a massive reputation for disaster, yet apparently it is common in this forum.

Quick "straw poll" time!

Hi NObody Of The Goat - Like your idea of this poll - it'll be interesting. I've voted but it said I have to answer all 3 questions to vote. I don't keep them in the same tank but had to vote 'no aggression' to question 2 to get it to post....

Thanks for that, pern, did not realise you had to vote in each poll to cast any vote at all... Editted #2 so there is now an option to say you do not keep them togther (pern, wonder whether you can delete your original votes and then re-cast, or would then be unable to vote at all?)
I just deleted my vote & revoted no problem
I can't really answer the poll as I am currently keeping my PK male with my only female temporarily as I have no other option. I've not had any aggression as it was after I bred my PK male and he seems to have calmed down after being bred, before he was aggressive to everything he saw... Even me.

I wouldn't recommend it though because I'm constantly worried about finding one or both of them dead one day.
I did have a male and 2 females in a 30L BiOrb along with 4 platies when I started out fish keeping :crazy:
Since I didn't cycle it, I think the ammonia levels kept them from attacking each other, but I dread to think what would have happened had it been in good conditions!
Goodness there bad enough for the short time whilst breeding! 1 of mine has just torn 2 of my females up and that was supervised :grr: 1 of which did die the next day :/

I would NEVER suggest housing them together even for a short time, i had to separate 1 of my fry @ 5weeks old!
I've heard of this being done, but in a considerably larger tank, 40+ gallons, with a lot of caves, rocks & such, similar to an African cichlid setup. This is certainly nothing I'd suggest for a novice.
I've heard of this being done, but in a considerably larger tank, 40+ gallons, with a lot of caves, rocks & such, similar to an African cichlid setup. This is certainly nothing I'd suggest for a novice.

I have 1 male and 4 females in a tank much smaller than 40 gallons, in a 10 gallon tank and their the best of friends and once they get separated they all get depressed, but I think it depends on the bettas personality.

And there is only a couple of plants and a small hidey home for them. But they never seem to go in there.
How long has the 10 been running with that stocking? I'd like to see how that's working a year from now.
How long has the 10 been running with that stocking? I'd like to see how that's working a year from now.
Cycling the tank took a month
And they have been together for over 3 months with absolutely no problems.
A betta can snap at anytime without rhyme or reason. It may not even be the male. I have heard stories of the females ganging up on a male and killing the male..
How long has the 10 been running with that stocking? I'd like to see how that's working a year from now.


A betta can snap at anytime without rhyme or reason. It may not even be the male. I have heard stories of the females ganging up on a male and killing the male..

Again I agree, chances are there stil young so not as bothered but once they hit maturity they will snap :/

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