Fish Crazy
Hi all,
Literally as above.. Two of my Guppies are missing?!
About two weeks ago I noticed my Blue Neon Male Guppy was not in my tank.. I did a head count and couldnt find him.. checked everywhere under plants, wood, filter nothing.. not even a body..
Then yesterday while doing a normal head count I notice that my Yellow Male Guppy was not there!! Same again looked everywhere, as I did weekly water change yesterday checked again under wood, plants, on/in filter.. nothing.. and no body or anything!...
Do guppies jump out?
Where did they go?
Tank: Rio 125
Filter: Internal Rio & Tetratec EX700
Fish: 6 Cherry Barb, 8 Mix Danio's, (was 6) now 4 Male Guppy, 2 Dalmatian Molly & 3 Hillstream Loach
Stats: 0, 0, 20 (Nitri, Am, Nitra)
Literally as above.. Two of my Guppies are missing?!
About two weeks ago I noticed my Blue Neon Male Guppy was not in my tank.. I did a head count and couldnt find him.. checked everywhere under plants, wood, filter nothing.. not even a body..
Then yesterday while doing a normal head count I notice that my Yellow Male Guppy was not there!! Same again looked everywhere, as I did weekly water change yesterday checked again under wood, plants, on/in filter.. nothing.. and no body or anything!...
Do guppies jump out?
Where did they go?
Tank: Rio 125
Filter: Internal Rio & Tetratec EX700
Fish: 6 Cherry Barb, 8 Mix Danio's, (was 6) now 4 Male Guppy, 2 Dalmatian Molly & 3 Hillstream Loach
Stats: 0, 0, 20 (Nitri, Am, Nitra)