Missing Guppies


Fish Crazy
Oct 15, 2011
Reaction score
East London
Hi all,

Literally as above.. Two of my Guppies are missing?!

About two weeks ago I noticed my Blue Neon Male Guppy was not in my tank.. I did a head count and couldnt find him.. checked everywhere under plants, wood, filter nothing.. not even a body..

Then yesterday while doing a normal head count I notice that my Yellow Male Guppy was not there!! Same again looked everywhere, as I did weekly water change yesterday checked again under wood, plants, on/in filter.. nothing.. and no body or anything!...

Do guppies jump out?
Where did they go?

Tank: Rio 125
Filter: Internal Rio & Tetratec EX700
Fish: 6 Cherry Barb, 8 Mix Danio's, (was 6) now 4 Male Guppy, 2 Dalmatian Molly & 3 Hillstream Loach
Stats: 0, 0, 20 (Nitri, Am, Nitra)
How old were they? Guppies don't live long (think about 1 - 1.5 years), so they might have just died of old age and the others had a nice, tasty dinner.
How old were they? Guppies don't live long (think about 1 - 1.5 years), so they might have just died of old age and the others had a nice, tasty dinner.

Lol at the tasty dinner... they were the oldest of the guppies in the tank, had them since last year September, maybe it was old age, but no piece of them was found!

Im sure guppies dont jump out but wait and see if you can see a sight of them :good:

The blue neon guppy hasnt been seen in 2weeks and yellow guy since yesterday looked everywhere..
Once they start munching on their dead tankmates, there won't be much left. Well, nothing. So my bet would really be that they died and the others had a feast. Nom nom nom :drool:
I have a rack of tanks, 3 shelves with 3 10 gallon tanks on each. My guppy tank was on the top shelf with a tank of baby pink convict cichlids under them. While feeding, I realized I was missing my favorite guppy. When I fed the convicts, there he was. He got very lucky when he jumped. He didn't land on the floor and the convicts didn't do too much damage before I found him. So, yes, guppies do jump!
I had this happen once... found just a head a few weeks after.... no idea where it had been hiding.
Hmm.. Odd indeed, still havnt seen any of the two missing guppies, I think they defo must be gone now..
Just the 3 guppies left, hope none of them do the vanishing act!!

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