Missing Fish!


Fish Crazy
Mar 19, 2013
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i have six tiger barbs and one of them is missing. it had a bad tail fin and i don't know if it's dead or not.if it is dead do you think it could contaminate the water and kill all my fish? and if it does how long do you think i have to find it?
If its died its always worth trying to find it if only so you can account for it.
If it has died, it will be releasing ammonia into the tank water, which, if the filter bacteria can't cope with extra bioload, could potentially kill your other fish, yes. You need to try and find it.
i just found one of my albinos dead and i think i saw a rotten head. :( 
yup, it was a head and i just pulled it out.

maybe the kribs killed it 
Gross. Make sure that there aren't any remains in the intake of your filter. You may find your favorite fish dead in there. (I'm still moping, okay?)

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