Minimum Tank Sizes


Fish Herder
Aug 29, 2011
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Thinking of upgrading my bettas tank and I'd love to have pygmys and microrasbora/endlers/ember tetras (etc) with him and I'm just wondering what tank sizes would be best for the setup ideas I have got below.

1 male betta
6-8 pygmy cories
6-8 microrasbora/ember tetra/similar

1 male betta
6-8 pygmy cories
4-5 or so male endlers

1 Male Betta
8-10 pygmy cories
3-4 male endlers

Any other ideas are greatly appriciated. Many Thanks :good:
all of these should be preferably a long tank rather than a cube to provide ground space for the corys. (btw this is just a guess)

1. 13 gallon
2.10 gallon
3.11 gallon
pablothebetta said:
Thinking of upgrading my bettas tank and I'd love to have pygmys and microrasbora/endlers/ember tetras (etc) with him and I'm just wondering what tank sizes would be best for the setup ideas I have got below.

1 male betta
6-8 pygmy cories
6-8 microrasbora/ember tetra/similar

1 male betta
6-8 pygmy cories
4-5 or so male endlers

1 Male Betta
8-10 pygmy cories
3-4 male endlers

Any other ideas are greatly appriciated. Many Thanks :good:

Looks like you and i are soon to have the same set up
Gonna be option #1 for me though. Having a hard time finding pygmy cories, prob gonna have to order online
Thanks for the feedback :)

15 US gallons is around 56L isn't it? That's twice the volume of his current tank, which is fine, though I was hoping for something nearer 10 gallons to be fair. What would work in a 10 gallon tank?
Sounds nice, hopefully I shall just be able to upgrade :lol:

I did consider the AquaStart 320T which is just under 10 US gallons, though the bottom area isn't very large for the cories as it's a tall tank rather than long.

What might I be looking at to keep with my betta in this tank?

Many Thanks :)

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