Minimum Tank Size


Fish Herder
Aug 29, 2011
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What would be the minimum tank size for 10 or so pygmy cories? I thought possibly with some other smaller fish, such as microrasbora, ember tetras, or killis etc (there are so many to choose from! :lol:). I'd really like to get some corys again, though I'd need another tank and I've got limited space.

I used to keep 6 in a 28L tank with a betta, though they were inactive and just hid at the back all the time. It'd be nice to try again and keep some that would swim around, be active and show themselves a bit more.

Would 35L-45L be enough?

Thanks :good:
I had Pygmy corys in a 35 litre & hardly ever saw them as they tended to hide most of the time, I rehomed them in the end
I had Pygmy corys in a 35 litre & hardly ever saw them as they tended to hide most of the time, I rehomed them in the end

That's exactly what it was like for me in my 28L - my LFS happily took them. I must say, I was hoping that 35L would have been enough. Do you think the way tanks are planted have anything to do with it? Mine was very densely planted, though tbh they didn't really move much.

A bit off topic, but does anyone know anywhere I could get a custom tank fairly cheaply?
Mine are in a 80 litre tank and they don't move. They just sit on the plants or on the coconuts. Lazy sods.
Mine are in a 80 litre tank and they don't move. They just sit on the plants or on the coconuts. Lazy sods.

Mine just sat there on the sand at the back most of the time. Guess they can just be lazy - I did notice they came out more in the evening, maybe they came out more when I'd turned out the lights and it wasn't so much to do with tank size. I had hoped that a larger tank and larger group may mean more activity, but maybe not ;)

Anyone know if pandas are more active and what the minimum tank size is for a group of those?

Thanks for the replies :)
Pandas are definitely more active, but in my experience albino ones are the most active of the ones I have. Or peppered ones. Not sure about minimum tank size, but would guess 60 l for a small group.
I had Pygmy corys in a 35 litre & hardly ever saw them as they tended to hide most of the time, I rehomed them in the end

This seems to be the normal behavior in a normal tank.

However: as an experiment, I put five baby c.pygmeus into a river tank (20L, unidirectional strong current) a few days ago. Not the best clip, but it shows them being active all the time:

This well may be the right way of keeping them, they obviously enjoy the flow. For comparison, I did the same test on a c.panda baby... nothing wrong, but nothing gained either, it simply sticks to the quiet areas in the tank and behaves normally.

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