Minimum Tank Size For Giant Gourami


Fish Addict
Jan 18, 2005
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Greece and USA (dual citizenship)
i by no means am planning on keeping a giant gourami, (maybe if the setup was in my price range) but i was wondering what would you think would be the minimum tank size for one assuming it reaches its adult size of 28 inches?

i am asking because some say 125 gallon tank will do, something i could afford in time but some say 300 gallons, something i cant afford
Personally I think you're looking at a tank in excess of 500usg for fully grown Giant gouramies. Otherwise their swimming space would be tiny. Got a spare swimming pool you can nick? :lol:
Edit:Technically you can keep them in a tank of around 180usg but it's a bit small in my opinion. And I always prefer giving swimming space. But that's my own opinion, as opposed to the general concesus.
I agree with Miss Dib Dabs in that, if I ever got an osphronemus goramy (which I hopefuly will one day!), I would not be willing to give it less than 500 gallons (though I'm thinking of going for an indoor pond rather than a tank and getting 2 of the fish). However, you could keep one in something around 200 to 250 gallons (prefferably the upper end of that scale). I would have suggested a smaller tank would be ok temporarily and then you could upgrade BUT this is one of those fish where this does not apply as they grow remarkably quickly.
lol sylvia ive seen that "I want an osphronemus goramy!" in your signature since I first signed up to the forums............ but If you want to get a setup that large, save all your pocket change, dollar bills,quarters,nickels,pennies whatever. I did this for a few months and got my 55 gallon setup. Though yours would cost alot more! strip the change from friends, family, children whatever. Youd be surprised how fast just little things like that add up!
Strangley I've never wanted these giants of the gourami world. I've seen plenty of other gourami types I'd travel great distance to get but for some reason these ones just don't float my boat. :rolleyes:
Sylvia if you ever get to the point of putting through that project I wanna hear all about it!
:) I think gathering the money should be relatively easy, though it will probably take a while and patience. The main issue is finding the space for a tank/indoor pond of that gallonage. I do hope I can eventualy set one up though. I adore those fish. I know a lot of people think them ugly but I'll always stand by my opinion that they are adorable and their incredible character would make up for them being ugly (if they were ;)) anyway :wub: I deffinately will let you know about it if I get that project going - if I have money and space for that, I'm sure I'll also find the time to buy a digital camera so I can, for a change, get some nice pics ;)
:lol: I know that trouble! Using my dinky lil mobile is never ideal. Thankfully I get enough reasonable shots come out of it.
I'd love a tank/tropical pond setup of that size, just not for this particular species. I'm afraid my synos would win out on that score, however much I love my gouramies. :wub:
It isn't that I think this species ugly, they just don't give me that edge I feel for my 3 spots and my synos. And my bettas. I suspect that eventually I will only have my bettas, gouramies and synos. Not that I would ever send my other babies away through choice but the platies have a reletively short life as do endlers. The angels will continue where they are as long as they remain happy and the loaches.....may have to move when they get bigger. Not sure where yet....but somewhere! :lol: Really must save those pennies for that elusive bigger tank. :nod:
o no, not a tattoo one, solid pink, even the fins
tats different isnt it? : :D :D :D
Ive seen pinkish bodied albinos and tattooed spotted & striped ones & all pink, or blue, or green dyed ones.( I went to China last year!)
The albinos are usually called that - or sometimes golden.

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