Minimum Tank Size For A Tiger Oscar?

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Fish Fanatic
Jun 12, 2013
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I REALLY want to get a tiger oscar, but i refuse unless i have the perfect conditions for one.
What is the minimum tank size for one?
I'd say probably around 400L, but you would be better off getting a pair in a 600L IMO
If the tank has a footprint of 150 x 60 cm then that would be ideal, not sure how many liters/gallons that is though
A pair in a 600 as mentioned above would be ideal :) you'd need something like a 6 x 2 x 2, oscars get BIG so they need sufficient room to turn without difficulty. Not only do they get big but they are also very messy. Get the best filtration you can. 2 fluval fx5's would be ideal.

If its only the 1 oscar you want then got a something like a newer type juwel rio 400. They are 5ft long x 2ft wide x just under 2ft high and hold 450litres of water which is 120 gallons.

Are you looking at adding any other fish?? If you was then you need to go for something as equally as aggressive as the oscar and something big enough that it cant fit in the oscars mouth. May seem obvious but alot of people dont realise that if the other fish will fit in the oscars mouth then the odds are the oscar will eat that other fish. They really will eat mostly anything that is to offer at the time
I have decided to wait until i can get a much bigger tank
Instead i might do something like a lake malawi tank 
Lake malawi cichlids require far different water from oscars.  They require hard, alkaline water.
alkaline water is a high ph isnt it? my waters is standard at 7.8-8
Alkaline refers to the hardness, not just the pH.  What's your kH?

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