Middle Of The Night And I Can't Sleep


Jan 14, 2013
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so I decided to come look at my fish.  My kribs are just explosive with color, tried to get a couple good shots, I think they're gonna be rocking around the coconut soon.  My rams are also looking rather frisky.  You almost can't tell in the picture but my female krib is so purple she's almost black.


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The middle of the night is the middle of the day for my fish since I'm nocturnal.
My two gudgeons had dissapeared into this pvc tube I got them. It had been near 48 hours since they went in there and I was concerned. I took a flashlight and looked inside, I thought I saw one of them as white as snow. I pulled the tube out closer to my eyes and looked inside it. Both of them were in there (fine) to my relief, so I put the tube back down into the sand. A few minutes later the lady gudgeon came out with her show colors and a minute later followed by the male who was as black as night around his phermone head hump. Soon they both went back into the tube.
DreamertK said:
The middle of the night is the middle of the day for my fish since I'm nocturnal.
My two gudgeons had dissapeared into this pvc tube I got them. It had been near 48 hours since they went in there and I was concerned. I took a flashlight and looked inside, I thought I saw one of them as white as snow. I pulled the tube out closer to my eyes and looked inside it. Both of them were in there (fine) to my relief, so I put the tube back down into the sand. A few minutes later the lady gudgeon came out with her show colors and a minute later followed by the male who was as black as night around his phermone head hump. Soon they both went back into the tube.
Wow... you interrupted them.  How rude!
eaglesaquarium said:
Wow... you interrupted them.  How rude!
Usually they only take 24 hours to mate, I wanted to make sure they were OK!
I think I see eggs! my girl keeps going in her little cave and turning upside down while the male stands guard!!! I'm all kinds of excited!!
I definitely see eggs!  The next question is since they're in my community tank, do I move them to my fry tank? (no fry in it yet) it was intended for guppies.  Or since it's their first spawning should I just leave it be and swap them the next time they start doing the frisky dance?
well a good portion of them are gone, but just the ones that were on the bottom of the cave, the ones on the roof seem to still be there (don't know if there were more or not) but she does keep fanning them
Oh this is really exciting! I wonder if any of those eggs will develop. 
they may not actually be gone, I think she keeps moving them around in her cave.  I've been advised to wait and see if I get any swimmers and then siphon them out and transfer to fry tank...I'm totally excited to see if I get anything, but if not I'll keep a better eye on them and move them before they spawn.
Here's a nice picture of their lair!


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well....I looked into their cave and I don't see any eggs...but they are still guarding it so I'm confused.

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