Mg And White Spawn

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good now try something thats not livevearreas try something that breed slike bettas
There is nothing too similar, so just go with bettas :good: The sites that Netty posted are good :good:
if you are going to breed bettas research a lot, and pick out the niest bettas you can find, the higher the quality the betta the better chance you have of selling and making a profit, and with bettas there are no guarenties that you will have a healthy spawn the first go, or more.
Yeh, its not rocket science though :good: Just best to get everything you need first, the spawnings the easy bit. The hard work starts once the fry are free swimming :good:
the fish are spawning when they are wrapping each other like pretzels and eggs start falling out. the male will catch eggs and pick them up of the floor, some females will help with this, most will eat any eggs they can find, as they are very tasty.

once the female is done she will try and hide, take her out right away or the male WILL KILL HER to protect his eggys.
Oh, you will see :good: Once you put the male and female together, i assure you you'll not take your eyes off them :lol:

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