Meds Safe For Shrimp


Fish Herder
Dec 12, 2011
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i have posted this in the emergency section but it keeps being overlooked, i aquired 2 neon tetras with some shrimp i bought, but one has a lump/mass by his mouth, i didnt put that one in my tank and left it in the transport container he has been there since yesterday with a small heater, i have put melafix in the water but dont know if thats the right thing to do, it seems bright enough at the moment any advise would be apprieciated
Is it sort of fluffy looking? If yes, then it's either fungus or columnaris.

If it's more pink and cauliflower looking, then most likely lymphocystis.
yes it is quite fluffy looking, will melafix work, also i have moved him to a small grey swing bin, which obviously has no light but does have heater and airstone, my daughter said its like putting him in his coffin already which made me a bit guilty, :-( should i put him back in a clear tub and continue with melafix?
You could try Melafix, but I don't have much confidence in it , apart from as a preventative. I'd try a more specific fungus med and see how it gets on with that.

He'll be fine in that container; fish don't need to be in see through tanks; that's purely for our convenience! Don't forget you'll be having to do daily water changes to keep the ammonia down if there's no filter though.
I have used JBL Fungol in the past and it was good suff for cotton wool like growths.
I can't really recommend a med, I've never had to treat fungus.

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