Medium Size "peaceful Centrepiece" Fish?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 30, 2011
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Melbourne, Australia
Im looking for a center piece fish for my tank, My tank is 55 gallons (im pretty sure). I have 2 dwarf gouramis but they're too small and heaven't got the WOW centrepiece factor. The tank also has 10 cardinals, 10 rummynose, and 5 kuhlis. The fish has to be peaceful so it can live with all my fish.
How about a nice rainbow cichlid, Herotilapia multispinosa? This is one of mine.

The fish in the picture is about 4 inches long, plus its tail. They are strongly vegetarian but are not defenseless. They do have teeth for cutting off bits of plants. Don't put one in a planted tank, they just love to eat the plants too much.
Angelfish. There is a few different types/colours. Ive got tetras and dwarf gourami. There all fine.

Or a little ruby shark, ive got an albino shark in mine aswell, good as gold. His amazing to watch. He has a few little caves, he prowls about all day.
How about a nice rainbow cichlid, Herotilapia multispinosa? This is one of mine.

The fish in the picture is about 4 inches long, plus its tail. They are strongly vegetarian but are not defenseless. They do have teeth for cutting off bits of plants. Don't put one in a planted tank, they just love to eat the plants too much.

He says with one in a planted tank :lol:

I have a pair in a planted tank with some red eye tetras and bronze corydoras. They do like to munch the plants so be sure they are well buried and rooted.

They can also be quite skittish, so make sure u have plenty of hiding places plants work great for this lol, failing that bogwood, or both.

Mine are only 2" but very colourful and highly recommended!
I keep 7 rainbow cichlids together, so forget any plants at all in that tank. In a group like that they really are not all that shy. This is a group shot.
I would recommend a nice big pearl gourami, lovely fish and nice and peaceful.
I would recommend a nice big pearl gourami, lovely fish and nice and peaceful.

I would second that opinion! They are known to do very well with Dwarf Gouramis also. I would get a single male & two or three females to keep him company in a 55 gallon.

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