Medium Size, Colorful Fish For Community Tank?


Fish Crazy
Jan 27, 2011
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New York
Well, my angle fish did not survive (actually I still have one)...neither did the blue rams.  My water is way too hard.  So, my choices are either buy a reverse osmosis filter, or find fish that can live in my water.  In this particular tank I still have 2 bolivian rams, the one angle, and 8 serape tetra.  I would like to add two medium sized (about the size of an adult angle), colorful fish.  So, what could live with the current tank residents and tolerate very hard water?  The more colorful the better.
(When I say "hard water" I'm talking about approx. 250ppm)  Thanks for all suggestions.
How about swordtails?
Thank you for the suggestion. Mollies, platys and swordtails don't really appeal to me...I'm not sure why, I've just never been fond of them.  Also, I think they are too small.
THing is, there aren't that many fish which are naturally from hard water. Livebearers are one, but you don't like them, fair dues, move on. Rainbowfish are nice, but really need to be in shoals of 6. Rift Valley Cichlids can't be mixed with other types, they're way too boisterous.
Most softwater fish can live decent lives in hardwater (for some reason, the opposite isn't often so valid), the only exceptions that I can think of are Blue Rams, and Discus. You could try another Angel, although normally you'd get a small group of juvi angels, wait for a pair to form and then rehome the others. Just adding another fish to an established fish could end badly.
I have a Severum in my tank and my water is extremely hard just like yours. He is doing fine. He is about 7 inches now. What size is your tank?

He is also living wish tiger barbs and tetras and bala sharks and platys and Molly's. so far nothing has happened bad to any of the fish for the past 2 years.
I really like both the rainbow fish and the Serverum.  My tank is a 75 gal.  It has a small school of tetras and two bolivian rams.  I don't think I've ever seen either of these fish in pet stores (which are lacking in my area).  Where do you usually find them?
Lots of options... if you can't find a pet store nearby that has them...

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