Me And My Fish


New Member
Jun 9, 2012
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Hi there, I'm new to this forum and I thought I'd introduce myself before getting right down to it (I am experiencing a problem with some of my fish, you see)

My name is Alan, and I am the owner of many fish. As of now I have 5 beautiful Sunburst Tetras (Unnamed because they all look alike and wont hold still long enough to carefully study for differences, and all act roughly the same), 4 Glofish of various colors (Named now by color: Red, Yeller, Deep Blue, and Pinkie), 2 Albino Corys (Named Feldman and Haim, :p), and a massive 3 year old Blue Gourami (Whom I have named Radar, after his feelers, and his tendency to explore things with them poking foreward "feelers first" as I call it).

I love my fish, and am now off to post my problem in the emergency section.

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