May sound like a daft question


New Member
Mar 4, 2002
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I read somewhere that you don't need a heater to keep siamese fighting fish
How true is this ?
and is it true also for red claw crabs?
Hi Gooey,

I think people keep betta's in unheated bowls only in other climates that are warmer than ourselves. I.e USA, Aussie etc.

I cannot answer you about the crabs.

Gaza t

Most pet shops have bettas in small tanks with the water at room temperature. They have to keep males seperate and so they figure they must keep them in tiny bowls =( My pet store has them in 1 or two gallon 'bowls' each but I have heard of some which are literally 'cups'!! If you are lucky then they may survive at room temperature, but it shouldn't be about luck and if I was to get one I would get it a heater.
Of course I can't dictate what others but that is my view.

I see
I've got a littl tank, 12 x 8 x 8 (5 gallons ?) and i was thinking about moving my betta from my community tank to that, along with a couple of red claw crabs that i also have
I read that you don't need a heater and if not it would save me a few quid, but now I know my room temp isn't high enough, i will get a heater.
I'd say the lowest both of them can go is 65f which is about 15-16C So in short yes if you have central heating, and thing don't get too cold. :)
I've seen your other post so i'll go there :)
Bettas can't be kept at any thing below 75*. Most will get lethargic and eventually die from the cold temps. They do best around 78* or so. Rose 8)
If you don't want to turn up the heating or wait for the warmer weather(the nights have turned cold in Glasgow again), you could try a reptile heating pad under the tank or on the side. A variable temp one would be best.
Not sure what to do about the crabs though.
#1. Bettas usually need temperatures between 70f and 80f,but will survive as low as 65f.
#2. The warmer the water,the more active they are(again,not going above 82f).
#3. I use my reading lamp in front of my 1-gallon tank to heat it until I get him a 10-gallon community tank with a heater in a week.Works great.
and #4. Can't you spare $15 (Can.) for a heater for your baby?

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