comfortably numb
its been so long since i was here and the membershp has changed so much i thought i may as well say a fresh hello
im mark , i used to run a 450 litre cichlid tank , but fell on hard times with the recession and the building game being so messed up and had to sell up to make ends meet . with the selling up my heart wasnt inthe hobby or the forum any more and i stopped visiting . now though i am no longer self employed and have a decent job working on the railway , things are much more stable and i am setting up another tank . looking forward to getting back into this hobby and hopefully being an active and helpful member of the forum .
im mark , i used to run a 450 litre cichlid tank , but fell on hard times with the recession and the building game being so messed up and had to sell up to make ends meet . with the selling up my heart wasnt inthe hobby or the forum any more and i stopped visiting . now though i am no longer self employed and have a decent job working on the railway , things are much more stable and i am setting up another tank . looking forward to getting back into this hobby and hopefully being an active and helpful member of the forum .