May As Well Re-Introduce Myself


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
Reaction score
its been so long since i was here and the membershp has changed so much i thought i may as well say a fresh hello :) 
im mark , i used to run a 450 litre cichlid tank , but fell on hard times with the recession and the building game being so messed up and had to sell up to make ends meet . with the selling up my heart wasnt inthe hobby or  the forum any more and i stopped visiting . now though i am no longer self employed and have a decent job working on the railway , things are much more stable and i am setting up another tank .  looking forward to getting back into this hobby and hopefully being an active and helpful member of the forum .
G'Day Mark
Welcome back,
  sorry to hear about having to leave the hobby in such bad circumstances
 . But good to see that your making a come back
thank you baccus . cant wait to get up and running again
I am sure
 . Will you go with cichlids again or try your hand some other species of fish?
Welcome Back Mark! I've missed your posts! :D
Baccus said:
I am sure
 . Will you go with cichlids again or try your hand some other species of fish?
i havent really got the space for a cichlid tank at the moment , but im planning a high tech planted with lots of shrimp and small peacefull colourful fish
Paradise<3 said:
Welcome Back Mark! I've missed your posts!
thank you :)
Small fish with shrimp, hmmmm I have recently fallen in love with threadfin rainbow fish and plan on trialing them with shrimp, I think the combo will work well. Endlers are ok with shrimp as are Khuli loaches.
Baccus said:
Small fish with shrimp, hmmmm I have recently fallen in love with threadfin rainbow fish and plan on trialing them with shrimp, I think the combo will work well. Endlers are ok with shrimp as are Khuli loaches.
I loved my Threadfin Rainbows and they don't bother anything, small guppy fry included :)
funy you should mention threadfin rainbows , i was only looikng at them earlier as a good species to build the tank around
Great minds
But seriously I have been looking at a few types of rainbow fish along with blue eyes and since they are native to Australia I think I am mad to not be keeping more of them.
I do like the Blue Eyes :) I also like Gertrudae Rainbowfish. This they may be another species of Blue eye but I love the patterning on their fins!
markandhisfish said:
would make a lovely planted tank
I'm actually thinking of getting a big shoal of the Gertrudae's in my 30" long tank when I set it up for real. Will be planting it out and everything and will have a little secret fish in it :p My little Zebra Pleco(hopefully) :)
dont talk to me about zebra plecs lol , ive long loved them but never had a tank suitable . beautiful beautiful fish
markandhisfish said:
dont talk to me about zebra plecs lol , ive long loved them but never had a tank suitable . beautiful beautiful fish
My partners getting a group and any spare males he's selling off so he offered me first dibs on one :) Only difference is, I get it for free :p You re-introducing yourself has made me do it too lol.

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