Marine Fish ?

Jam Jam

Fish Fanatic
Sep 23, 2012
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How much harder are marine fish to keep than tropicals ?
Are the outlines the same but you just add salt to the water ?
How much harder are marine fish to keep than tropicals ?
Are the outlines the same but you just add salt to the water ?

Ohgezz I wish it was as easy as adding salt LOL. Marine use rocks as filters and use a protein skimmer. You can expect a marine tank to burn a small hole in your wallet. Your also better buying your salt water from LFS to avoid some bad stuff, it's not easy :p
I've been thinking about a marine set up recently. From what a few people have told me, it's not as difficult as some people like to make out BUT it does require a lot of research. I'll probably go for it at some point once I have time to properly research :)
I think what you mean is, the smaller the tank the harder it is. If your starting a marine tank I suggest as big as possible :B
I love the look of the marine tanks too and thought the same thing ?
As usual though more to it than meets the eye and cost too !
I love the look of the marine tanks too and thought the same thing ?
As usual though more to it than meets the eye and cost too !

Jam, Post in the marine section and ask what you need to start off with. But be prepared for a large cost :p

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