Found some hatchetfish in my local Maidenhead Aquatics and got me looking into them as a potential newcomer when I get my new stocking sorted. So I'm just wandering if anyones had any experience with them? I know they're excellent jumpers so tight fitted lid is a must as well as having as high a number of them as I can. Also I may be making this up but I think I remember reading something ages ago saying mixing them with an angel is a bad idea? All other advice I've looked at tonight doesn't say anything about it but it just sticks in my mind for whatever reason.
They're other potential tank mates in a 175 liter will be;
15x Rummy Nose Tetras
10x Corys (not sure which type yet)
1x Angel
1x BN catfish
Banjo Catfish
Whiptail Catfish
And then if that sounds good around 10x Hatchetfish
They're other potential tank mates in a 175 liter will be;
15x Rummy Nose Tetras
10x Corys (not sure which type yet)
1x Angel
1x BN catfish
Banjo Catfish
Whiptail Catfish
And then if that sounds good around 10x Hatchetfish