Male Or Female?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2012
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ok so im new here, so hi, hope to post here more often

i have a betta im just not sure about, these are relatively new and i have had them for about a year,
i was under the impression that she was a girl, now im not so sure,
she is making a bubble nest, flaring and dancing at another female, right now i have her in a breeding tank, as well as my other females,
though there in there own zones, this is due to 1 of the 3 being picked on,

(btw on that note i had 6, 3 died from old age, they were over 4 years old, these ones that are left are only a year old at most)

im starting to think that there plakat but i cant be sure
i attached a picture of her, and the bubble nest (btw that nest was made in only a few hours)
i also took that picture a few hours ago, now it is a little bigger,

i will try to get a better picture, she is very photo shy ~,~: lol

ill try to get that photo as soon as my cam is has recharged

wow i didnt think the picture would be that bad when i resized it lol


  • IMG_1009.jpg
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this picture is alot better,
and i have some more info,
i just watched, her sitting under the nest, going back and forth under and out getting air and pushing the new bubbles up under the old

a little more info, i lit up the tank a little dif this time, both of the more colorful females are now following the less colorful one, still only one has made the bubble nest though, there also flaring at each other from across the 3 zones of the tank,

if anyone replys and wants me to ill upload another picture of the less colorful one, as well as the other one im now starting to think is a male


  • IMG_1025.jpg
    48.6 KB · Views: 57
Sometimes PK males can be confused with females - you can tell if they are female if they have a small white dot under its belly. It is called an ovipositor. If the fish doesn't have one of these, they're male. If they're with females, I'd remove them and give them a tank of their own.
i have each one in a tank of there own,
ok so i can only see a bump were the ovipositor should be, on 1 of them, though ~,~ it is black as far as i can tell, i cant get a very good look at it, any ideas on how i can get a good look?

i have a photo of her ill post it now,

this is what im finding confusing, ~,~ the other 2 dont have a bump there, other then there pelvic fins it is flat there,...

WAIT HOLD EVERYTHING, i retract that it is not black.
i just saw a white dot in the center of were i could see a black dot,... again i looked now it is long? but not solid,
when i was breeding b4 the tube looked a little solid to me?


  • IMG_1023.jpg
    64.1 KB · Views: 80
This is definately a female Betta...
I have one that looks exactly like her...
You can also tell a male easily from a female...
Females are generally more stout in the body, with shorter fins and dull colouration...
Males are long, and brightly coloured, with long, veil-like fins...

The female will also build a bubble nest when she is ready to breed, this is a good sign that you are able to put the male and female togather so that they may reproduce...

Also, it's normally female bettas with this colouration that throw the most beautiful should definately breed with her...
They throw the best colours when you put them with a purple, pink or light blue male :)
This is definately a female Betta...
I have one that looks exactly like her...
You can also tell a male easily from a female...
Females are generally more stout in the body, with shorter fins and dull colouration...
Males are long, and brightly coloured, with long, veil-like fins...

The female will also build a bubble nest when she is ready to breed, this is a good sign that you are able to put the male and female togather so that they may reproduce...

Also, it's normally female bettas with this colouration that throw the most beautiful should definately breed with her...
They throw the best colours when you put them with a purple, pink or light blue male :)

yes ^^ im starting to find the egg spots alot easyer now, i also found some other things that tell them apart, though these are plaket males also have short fins, thats why there a pain in the #17##### to tell apart lol,
though one of mine is still being a pain to find out, for sure if boy or girl, though im almost 90% sure she is a girl 3 reasons, small ventral fins smaller gill cover, and she will only fight girls pretty much just runs from boys lol,

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