Male Molly Help


New Member
Jan 31, 2013
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I had my first fish death this week  :(
It was a female marbled molly.  I bought in a pair as thats what the shop advised.  Since the female died, the male has become much more active, darting around the tank and chasing other fish (mainly the cloud minnows and zebra danios.  I also have red balloons, clown loach and 2 female fighters)
Do I have to get him another female?  Im assuming his change in behaviour is stress, is he likely to remain like that if he stays 'single'?  
Ive had the tank about 4 months, dead molly just stopped swimming, went into the corner by filter and died overnight.  tested water and all was ok, nitrates were the higher side of the 'ok' marker on my test kit, but nothing too bad (water changed since and nitrates reduced)
any advice for the male?
Thank you!
Blimey, if he wants to try chasing zebra danios, good luck to him, cos he sure as hell ain't gonna catch them!
His behaviour is probably more a case of being frustrated by a lack of female company, male livebearers are about as sex-mad as a 16yo boy, so on the face of it, buying more females (and you'd want 2 or 3, really) would be the way to go.
You have clearly got a few other issues and potential issues in the tank as well, so before I say definitively "Go and buy more mollies" can you answer a few questions, please.
When you say water tests were "ok", and that you have an "OK" marker on your test kits, it sounds like you're using paper strips. Can you tell me what the actual levels for ammonia and nitrite were? THe reason I ask this is that, in actual fact, anything above 0ppm for these two poisons is "NOT OK", despite what these strips tests say. I really recommend you invest in a decent liquid-based test kit. Posting up the actual levels will help us advise the best way forward.
Further, as Blackops said, what's the dimensions and capacity of the tank? It might be that you don't have room for any extra fish. Also, you may not have room for a fully grown clown loach, as these should grow to around 18" long, and require a huge tank, as they are a shoaling fish, and need to live in a group of 6 or more to feel unstressed.
Next, the white clouds and zebra danios come from temperate water, rather than tropical, they really prefer water 5-6 degrees cooler than the truly tropical fish. I'm not necessarily saying get rid of these fish, but when they die (and they will probably go a bit earlier than they would otherwise), think twice about replacing them with more of the same.
Lastly, what's a red balloon?
Tank is 150litre (1 metre wide, 50cm high, 30 deep)
Yes, ive ot the paper strips for testing the water.  For Nitrates, the tube shows 0-25 mg/l as 'safe'.  My reading was just a little darker than the colour shown for 10 so did a water change and it went back down to 0
Amonia is fine, I have a seperate testing kit for that.  The water couldnt have been any more yellow so im happy with that.
The clowns are fine for now, they are only small.  I know they'll grow bigger and will deal with that as it comes.  I only have 3.  The shop said they live in 3's or more?
All my fish purchases have been advised by the shop so Im suprised they shouldnt be together, its a really good place and seems like they know their stuff.  They helped me set up the tank and cycle it.  gave me the clouds and danios to start off, then have added more as and when.  So my full stock and their approx size is:
1 pleco (growing super fast!)  10cms
3 clown loach  6cms
6 danios 4 cms
5 red balloon mollies 2-3 cms
6 white clouds 3 cms
2 female fighters  4-5 cms
1 male molly 7 cms
1 baby molly 2cms (think its female)
Each time I go to the shop, they check what I have already before giving me any others..  so please dont think im going out and making mad off the cuff fish purchases!  They test my water too and they are happy with it.  I know water changes quickly so cant rely on shop tests, but I really am doing my best to keep its quality.
I do plan on getting a better water testing kit but until I can afford a really good one, im doing regular water changes (30% every 2 days) to make sure levels stay low
Im still learning about the world of any advice appreciated  :)
One last thing - Im happy with the amount of fish I have now, so wont be adding any more unless Mr Molly needs some company.  Pleco will probably have to be exchanged soon if he continues growing at this rate!
OK, that's clarified a few things.
I've never seen red balloon mollies, only black and white ones. They are the same species as a standard molly, but have been selectively bred to have that shape, but as far as the fish are concerned, they don't know the difference. The upshot is that Mr Molly does have company after all. Do you know what genders these balloons are?
Really and truly, the clown loaches and by the sound of it, the plec need to be rehomed sooner rather than later. I appreciate that they are small at the moment, but the longer you put off moving them, the more likely they are to become stunted.
Although it sounds like your LFS is one of the better ones, you should always conduct your own research online - forums like this, reference sites like Seriously Fish, Tropical Fish Finder and the like. Remember, we have no ulterior motives, or conflicts of interest, whereas your fish is ultimately, trying to make a profit. Certainly, had you researched the clown loaches here first, the chances are you wouldn't have bought them.
With regards to the test kits, you've obviously already got a liquid ammonia (the API one?) so I'd suggest getting nitrite, nitrate and pH in the same line.
And I'm not thinking critical thoughts about you at all, don't worry. I started off as a beginner,  I've made basic mistakes. Who hasn't? Nothing to be ashamed of!
Here are my red balloon mollies  (if thats what they really are..!)  They are my favourite in the tank, very pretty :)

No idea what sex they are.  They all look exactly the same!  
The shape of the mouth gives it away, they're mollies. I assumed you knew how to sex mollies, since you knew which was the male and the female of the normal ones. It's the anal fin - pointy fin = male, fan shaped fin = female.

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