Male Guppy With Demolished Fins


New Member
Jul 28, 2012
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my older betta recently died and i replaced him but apparently my new betta has issues with my male guppy(maybe he was jealous of my guppy's luxurious fins?) i noticed the problem and put the betta in time out in my smaller tank that the original betta started in and put the male guppy in the breeder net with my molly fry, is this a good thing to do? I have already added some aquarium salt to the tank but im worried my little guy wont make it :( . any advice would be appreciated. before:

Your guppy looks like he will be fine. I had a guppy that lost his entire tail fin, he was fine, it grew back after a while. Male bettas can be extremely aggressive! Mine will kill any slower moving fish with long fins. You should keep him away from your community tank because he will probably continue to cause havoc.
Your guppy looks like he will be fine. I had a guppy that lost his entire tail fin, he was fine, it grew back after a while. Male bettas can be extremely aggressive! Mine will kill any slower moving fish with long fins. You should keep him away from your community tank because he will probably continue to cause havoc.

I had mistakenly thought that the new betta would b fine in my 55gal bc my old one was not aggressive, a mistake i will not make again. should i leave the guppy in the breeder net while his fin heals or just let him be?

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