Male Guppy Mayhem!


New Member
Nov 6, 2015
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Hi guys, need help/advise/wisdom here! I kept bettas for a while and since my last male betta joined the porcelain express club (RIP Bruce) I decided to explore tropicals a bit more. On Tuesday I got 5 neon tetras and 5 male guppies (too young to be a granny, hence no females) to keep my lovely female betta Barbara some company. The tetras as fine and Barbara is still her sweet adorable self-the most chilled betta in the world. The guppies however...Whats going on can only be described as carnage. Lost 3 fishes in 3 days! I have a 60l Jewel, well planted, lots of hiding places. Losing my marbles here. I found and separated the bully but now what? Can i reintroduce him? Should I restock? I was gone for 2 hours this morning and when i came back my last casualty had NO  fins left, thats how hardcore things are 
Guppies and bettas are not really a good combination. 
Unless you actually see who is the bully and what is happening you can't tell for sure if it's the other guppy or the female Betta.  She will see them as another Betta fish and will 'go in for the kill'
On Tuesday I got 5 neon tetras and 5 male guppies
Guppies prefer hard water Tetras prefer soft water one group of fish will be unhappy.
Betta fish and will 'go in for the kill'
Yup some Bettas prefer to live alone. I had Hengeli Rasboras in the tank with my Betta, and one day she decided she didnt like the rasboras any more they were getting to close to the bubble nest, She killed 2 and was stalking a third.
Sorry guys, no internet for a while! Separated Barbara and the neons and left the boys in the tank on their own. 2 of them died mysteriously through the night -suspected bully included. Whats funny, the smallest of the males, Wayne, is the one left, he was the one that was attacked first and his poor tail is badly shredded but he seems to be getting along fine. Got him company today, fingers crossed everybody gets along, cant deal with any more casualties. Btw I still refuse to believe that my Barbara is a fish killer 

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