New Member
Hi guys, need help/advise/wisdom here! I kept bettas for a while and since my last male betta joined the porcelain express club (RIP Bruce) I decided to explore tropicals a bit more. On Tuesday I got 5 neon tetras and 5 male guppies (too young to be a granny, hence no females) to keep my lovely female betta Barbara some company. The tetras as fine and Barbara is still her sweet adorable self-the most chilled betta in the world. The guppies however...Whats going on can only be described as carnage. Lost 3 fishes in 3 days! I have a 60l Jewel, well planted, lots of hiding places. Losing my marbles here. I found and separated the bully but now what? Can i reintroduce him? Should I restock? I was gone for 2 hours this morning and when i came back my last casualty had NO fins left, thats how hardcore things are